Chapter 4

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I went home after playing a few games of pool. I just had more questions? I didn't want Damon to leave, I wanted to know more about what he was. How many more of them are there? Do they have special abilities?

I should have been afraid, but I was just shocked. It's like something inside told me that I was gonna be fine, even after Damon bit me. I don't know why, but I was really curious.

I arrived home and noticed it was already four in the afternoon. I guess I'll stay home for the rest of the day since I have nothing better to do. What am I gonna do? I have nothing to do, but watch TV. I wish I would have brought a book or something so I wouldn't be bored. I walked to my room seeing my phone next to my bed. I haven't used my phone since I left home. I could call anyone cause I know they would be freaking out and asking me questions. I'm not ready for that. I picked up my phone anyways and looked through my contacts. I read through all the names and only found one that I could call.

I dialed the number and immediately they picked up the phone.

"Emily is that really you?" they said.

"Yeah it's me." I reply with a smile.

"Where are you? I have been freaking out! I thought you were dead!" I called my best friend, Ethan.

"Well I'm alive and healthy."

"Where are you? I want to see you."

"About that...." How was I gonna tell him? I can't tell him where I'm at because he is more than likely gonna tell everyone.

"What? What's going on? What are you telling me?"

"Ethan, I'm not in New York anymore."

"What?! Why would you leave?"

"Things got rough between me and my parents, I needed to be alone."

"So you decide to leave the state? How did you even get the money and how did you travel?"

"I took money out of my parents account and I used the old car in our garage."

"Your crazy." He said and I laughed.

"Well if your not I'm New York, then where are you?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why? I'm your best friend, you have to tell me."

"I don't want you to tell anyone. I don't want my parents to find out cause I'm gonna be in big trouble."

"Well your gonna have to face them sooner or later."

"I know. I want it to be later so I won't tell you."

"When are you coming back? I miss you, Em."

"I don't know, Ethan. It's gonna be awhile."

"How much longer, Emily? You've already been missing for half a year. Everyone thinks your dead. Your parents haven't stopped looking for you ever since you've been gone. We miss you. Please come back home."

I was silent. My parents have been looking for me? Even after what happened? Why? It was there fault why I left. They can't possibly think I'm just gonna let the past go. What they said was terrible. Awful. I will never let that go. The pain is still there and will always be there. "Emily say something."

"Ethan, I'm sorry, but I can't go back. Not after what happened. I got to go-."

"No don't hang up please."

"I have to, Ethan. I can't talk anymore."

"No please, Emily. Please. Ever since I heard that you were missing, I have been miserable. I thought I had lost you forever. Like a piece of me was gone. Just hearing your voice today and knowing that your alright made me feel whole again. I don't wanna lose you again. Please come home, Em. I need you. We all need you."

Tears started to sting my eyes. He really did care about me, but I just can't go back. I'm starting a new life here.

"I'm sorry, Ethan. I got to go." My voice cracked a little.

"Please Emily. Don't do thi-." I hung up. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. I can't talk to anyone anymore. Their just gonna try to convince me to come home. I don't want to come home. I just can't. I threw my phone at the wall and it fell to the ground. I rubbed my face and decided to eat something.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a snack. I wasn't very hungry. I went to my room and changed into my pj's. I brushed my teeth and went to my bed. I laid there starting up at the ceiling.

Why did life have to be so complicated? Why? What did I do to deserve this life? I wish I knew. I would go back and change everything. I would make my parents proud. But this is my life know. I'm gonna have to get through it. I just don't know how yet.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

~The Next Morning~

I wake up hearing a noise. I sat up on my bed hearing a 'ding' noise. I looked around the room seeing my screen, of my phone, turned on.

I drag myself across the room and saw looked at the bright screen. My eyes widened.....

It was my Mom.

I let it ring until it my phone said missed call. I noticed I had a bunch if missed calls and texts from different people. Well Ethan obviously can't keep his mouth shut.

I looked through the texts and they all said either, 'Emily what happened? Are you alright?' or ' Oh my god, Emily I thought you were dead. Where are you? I miss you. Come home.'

I put my phone down and ignored all the calls and messages. I wish I didn't call Ethan. Now everyone is gonna be blowing up my phone. I need to get a new number, but how? I'll think of something later, but right now I just wanna lay in bed and sleep.

I closed my eyes not caring what time it was.

When I was just falling asleep, my phone beeped. It kept making noises which kept me awake. I covered my ears with my pillow, but it didn't help. I got up and turned my phone off completely. I laid back in the bed not feeling tired anymore.

Ugh! I hate mornings

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