Chapter 60

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Everyone was getting ready for the funeral. Everyone helped set up everything perfectly. Alaric's body was put in a closed casket.

I got changed and walked downstairs. Damon was there and he drive us to the funeral place. During the whole funeral, I kept it in. I was barely paying attention because I was too busy focusing on my anger towards Esther.

"Emily, would you like to say a few words?" The speaker asked breaking me from my thoughts.

I got up and stood in front of everyone. I took a deep breath. "Thanks for coming. I appreciate all the help with setting this all up. Its beautiful. Alaric was more than just a good man. He was more a father to me. He took me in even when we barely knew each other. But we got to know each other and we loved each other like family. He protected me like I was his daughter and that's something I could never repay. Alaric was special and it's really hard to take all this in knowing that he's gone." I felt tears stream down my face. "but even if he's gone, he will never be forgotten. I love you, Alaric." my voice cracked at the end. I sat back down and the service ended about ten minutes later.

I went home and sat in my room. There was a knock at my door and Stefan was there.

"Can I come in?" He asks

I nodded and he sat next to me. "Stefan, I can't take this pain anymore. It hurts too much."

"Emily, it's going to hurt now but soon the pain will go away. Your emotions are heightened right now so your feeling the worst but it gets better." He explains

"How did you erase the pain?" I ask him.

"I turned my emotions off but that was the biggest mistake of my life. It brought more pain in me because I hurt a lot of people and I felt remorse. I'll never do that again. If you need to talk I'm here." he says hugging me.

"Thanks, Stefan." I say laying my head on his shoulder. Stefan eventually left and I was all alone. I laid down on my bed and thought.

I'm going to do this. Its going to help the pain go away. I closed my eyes and let all the emotion disappear. At that moment, the pain, the sadness, the anger, everything was gone.

I didn't care about any of that anymore. I felt free. Like a new person.

A new me.

Thats the end!! I hope you enjoyed this book!! I enjoyed writing it! Thanks for all the voting and thanks for the 2.5K READS!! I love you guys so much!! Your the best!!

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