Chapter 24

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I open my eyes and immediately get blinded by the bright sun. I block the sun with my hands and look at my surroundings. I was in a car. I noticed Elena next to me. She was still out.

I sat up and looked out the car window. We were in the middle of nowhere. I crawled to the other window and saw two men. One was in another car and the other was outside. The man outside started walking towards us so I quickly laid back down and closed my eyes. The car door opened and the man took Elena. A couple minutes later, the man carried me to the other car. He tossed me in the back of the car and closed the door.

I opened my eyes and saw Elena waking up. She looked at me scared. I put my finger on my lips telling her to be quiet. I peeked to the front seeing the man in the driver seat talking to the man outside.

"Why are there two? I asked for only the doppelgänger." the man in the driver seat asked.

"They were both together and we can't just take one and leave the other to wonder."

"Come closer." the man in the driver seat said. The man outside obeyed. "Closer." The man in the drivers seat bit the other man and drained him of his blood. Then he started the car and we left.

The whole car ride,Elena and I tried to stay calm. About thirty minutes later, the car stopped. We were at some old mansion. Elena and I looked at each other and suddenly the car door opened.

"I see you guys are awake." the man said. "My name is Trevor. Do whatever I say and you'll be just fine." He harshly grabbed us by our arms and dragged us into the mansion. He pulled us into a big, dark room. He pushed us on a red couch. He came really close to me smiling.

"Just one taste." he came closer and closer to my neck. I tried to push him away, but it was no use. Elena tried pushing him, but he just slapped her knocking her out.

"Please leave me alone." I begged. Right before he bit me someone said,"Trevor leave her alone."

"We only need the doppelgänger, Rose. We don't need this one so let me eat in peace." he bit me and started sucking my blood.

"Please stop!" I yelled.

"Trevor leave her alone. You've had enough." Rose said.

Trevor stopped and walked away from me. My neck was in so much pain so I put my hand on it to stop the bleeding. Rose walked to me. "Please let us go."

"I'm sorry, but that's not gonna happen. We need doppelgänger blood for our freedom."


"An Original, Elijah, has kept us trapped in here. We want to trade with him. Doppelgänger blood for our freedom. He'll surely say yes."

"You can't trade, Elena. She's my friend. I'm not going to let you do that."

Trevor super sped to me and grabbed my neck. "I might as well kill you now. I'm not letting you get in the way of my freedom." he bit me again. This time I started feeling sleepy and weak.

"Emily! Please stop!" Elena was awake.

"Trevor stop! He's here!" Rose says. Trevor quickly stops and super speeds to Rose. Elena rushed to me.

"Emily. Can you hear me?" She asked.

My vision a little blurry. "Elena." I whisper. I blinked to regain my vision, but it barely helped.

Elena helped me sit up. When I sat up there was crumpling sounds in the couch. I stuck my hand in the couch crease and pulled out a piece of paper. I opened it and read it. I could barely read it but it said
'Stefan and Damon are coming for you.'

I showed the paper to Elena. We both smiled at each other. I hid the paper back in the couch.

The door to the room opens showing a man with black hair and a tux. He looked really fancy.

"We brought you Katherine's doppelgänger exchange for or freedom." Rose said. Elijah walked towards us. He came close to Elena. I couldn't see anything else cause my vision blurred. My neck started to feel excruciating pain. I closed my eyes tight and opened them. My vision was better. I looked around and saw Trevor headless. I was filled with fear. Elijah came close to us.
"Why you want doppelgänger blood?" I ask.

"Her blood can break the sun and moon curse." He answers.

"Don't you need the moonstone though?" Elena asks.

"Yes, do you know where it is?"

"No." I answer. Why did I answer? I don't have any vervain on. He can easily compel me. "Rose said that you were an Original. What is an Original?" I tried to keep him from suspecting anything.

"I'm one of the first vampires to ever live. My mother was an original witch and she turned my brothers, sister, and I into vampires which make us the original vampires. Now tell me where the moonstone is."

"We don't know where it is." Elena answers.

He came to me and compelled. "Tell me where the moonstone is."

Before I could say anything, we heard someone in the house. Elijah ran out of the room. A few seconds later Damon and Stefan came into the room. Damon grabbed me and Stefan grabbed Elena. We left the room and hid. Stefan and Elena hid in one place and Damon and I hid in another.

"Emily your bleeding bad." Damon whispered. He bit his wrist and gave me his blood. "Keep your hand on it so he doesn't smell the blood." Damon grabbed me and took us to another place. Stefan and Elena were next to us. Elijah found us and Stefan and Damon shot wooden stakes at him. But Elijah caught them. Elijah charged at them. He attacked Stefan. Damon pushed Elijah away from Stefan and started punching him. Elijah threw Damon and went to attack Stefan again. Damon grabbed a wooden pole and stabbed Elijah right in the heart. We left before anything else happened. We dropped off Elena at home and headed to the Salvatore's home. Damon went somewhere and left me and Stefan home.

When we entered the house Stefan was heading upstairs. "Stefan wait." I say.

He turns around and looks at me."I wanna thank you and Damon for saving us." I walk to him and give him a hug.

"No problem, Emily. I'm glad your safe."

Stefan stopped and looked around. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Someone's here." Rose then appears.

"Rose." I say. "What are you doing here?"

"I've been running for so long and I don't want to run anymore."

"You can't stay here. You were going to let Trevor kill me and you were going to trade Elena for your own freedom."

"You need me. The Originals are coming back for Elena. All of them because Klaus will want them too."

(First look at Elijah)

I'm going to try and update another chapter today just for you guys!







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