Chapter 10

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I was walking down a hall so confused. I could hear laughing and people talking at the end of this dark hall. The closer I got the louder the noise became. I saw a door that was cracked open. I pushed the door and crowds of people were filling the room. The woman were wearing fancy dresses and the men were wearing tuxedos. I looked around hoping to find someone I recognized, but no luck.

I was being pushed back and forth by the millions of people. I was tripped and fell into someone's arms. I looked and saw it was Stefan. He was wearing a tuxedo and his hair was pushed back with a few pieces hanging down. It was.....different, but a good different.

"Stefan." it came out more like a question.

"Emily, it's a joy to see you join the party."

"Party? Stefan, who are these people?" he was pulling me through the crowd.

"This is a party and these are our guest."

"A party? Why?"

"You ask so many questions." he stopped and looked at me. "May I have this dance?" he bowed and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me in dancing position. We moved back and forth to the music that was playing.

"You look beautiful tonight,Emily." I looked at my clothes and noticed I had a red dress. This dress looked like it was from the 1800's. Why was I wearing this?

"Thank you. You look handsome." he smiled. "Please explain what's going on, Stefan. I'm confused."

"Emily, it's a party for everyone. These people are here to have a good time. So have a good time." he spun me around.

I have no idea how I'm dancing like this. I've never danced like this. Stefan and I locked eyes as we danced. When the dance was over, Stefan gave me a kiss on my hand. "It was a pleasure to dance with you."

"I never knew you could dance like that, Stefan."

"There's a lot you don't know about me." he whispered in my ear and walked away.

"Stefan! Wait!" I called, but he was gone. I looked around to see if I could him. The more I looked the more I got pushed.

I saw a stair case and moved my way over there. I walked up the stairs finding no one. It was much more quieter, but you could still hear the faint music.

I walked into the first room I saw someone looking out the window. It was a man with a tuxedo. I walked towards them. "I was hoping you would come upstairs." he said.

"Damon, why aren't you downstairs?" I ask.

"I could ask you the same question." he turns around and sips his drink.

"It's kind of crowded and loud."

"Well what's a party without a bunch of people and yelling." I laughed.

"I guess your right."

"Drink with me. Let's have some fun." he smirked pouring more drink into his cup and filled another.

He handed it to me and I drank it. "Emily, may I have one dance on this special event?" he asked.

"Yes, you may." we both set our cups down and walked towards each other.

He put his hand in my waist and the other held my hand. I wrapped mine around his neck. We moved back and forth to the music. I rested my head on his and we looked into each other's eyes. "You look beautiful."

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