Chapter 23

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Caroline came over today and told us that she had to tell us something important. Everyone -Damon,Stefan, Caroline, and I- were in the living room.

"I've been spying on Elena and Stefan for her, but I stopped. The other day I went to Mystic Grill to see Matt and I saw Katherine. She told me to send a message to Stefan and Damon. She said if you don't return the moonstone, she will rip this town apart til it rains blood." Caroline explains.

"What are we going to do?" I begin,"I mean, we can't just give the moonstone to her. She's just going to try and ruin our lives."

"Well, it's obvious, we aren't going to give it to her." Damon says.

"She's going to kill everyone, if we don't." I add.

"Then we kill her instead." Stefan replies.

"What's the plan?" I ask.

We all made a plot to killing Katherine. Alaric, Jeremy, and Bonnie came over and they are going to be apart of our plan.
Everyone was dressed for the Masquerade Ball. We headed to the Lockwood's house, where the party was going to be held. Elena decided not to go through the ball so she could stay home with Jenna.

Bonnie and Jeremy went to an empty room. Bonnie put a spell on the room and Jeremy hid a few weapons.

Stefan and I arrived at the party together. We walked around and Katherine showed up.

"Hello Stefan, Emily."


"Stefan, why don't we go dance?" Katherine asks.

I look at Stefan and let Katherine take him on the dance floor. I stood by close as I watched them. Right now, I wished I had super hearing so I could listen to their conversation. A girl walked up to them. Katherine grabbed her and killed her. My eyes widened and I made my way over there. By the time I made it to Stefan, Katherine was already gone.

"What happened?" I whisper-yelled to Stefan.

"She wanted the moonstone." he whispered so only I could hear.

"What are we going to do with her?" I ask.

"We need to hide her."

"Where? How? There a lot of people here."

"Just help me get her somewhere where nobody will see her."

I wrapped one of her arms around my shoulders while Stefan had the other. We carried her out of the party. We dropped her body far into the woods. Stefan carried me and super sped back to the party.

"We need to carry on the plan. Text Damon." Stefan says leaving.

I texted Damon and found Jeremy talking to Katherine. When she walked away, he texted Caroline. I walked up to Jeremy. "Did you stick to the plan?"

"Yes, I told her to meet Damon and Stefan at the lake." Jeremy suddenly got pulled back into a bush.

"Jeremy!" I almost yell. I followed him and Elena was there.

"What's going on?" Elena asks.
Bonnie arrived," Katherine is trapped."

Before anything could be said, Elena gasps holding her stomach. I slowly removed her hand and saw blood. I was confused. Why is she bleeding?

"Jeremy, go stop Damon and Stefan before they kill Elena. Elena and Katherine are linked. What ever happens to one happens to the other."

Jeremy ran off as fast as he could. Bonnie and I stayed there with Elena helping her stay calm.

"There's another witch at this party. Stay here with Elena." Bonnie leaves.

About 10 minutes later, Elena said that she no longer feels pain. "Bonnie broke the spell." I say. Jeremy came by. "Jeremy, I'm going to see if everything is alright. Stay here with Elena." I run into the house and up the stairs. I look into a room and see Caroline.

"Matt! Tyler! Stop!" She yelled. I saw Matt and Tyler fighting. Caroline grabbed Matt. Then, a girl came at Tyler with something sharp in her hand.

"Tyler watch out!" I yell but the girl stabbed him. Tyler shoved her over making her hit her head off a desk and fell to the floor. She look....dead! I looked at Tyler and his eyes changed color. They were a yellowish-brown color. The curse. It's triggered. Tyler's a werewolf. He ran out of the room and left me, Caroline, and Matt in shock.

Mrs. Lockwood came into the room and looked at the girl on the floor with wide eyes. "What happened?!" She exclaimed.

"She got really drunk. She tripped and hit her head off the desk." I explained.

"Ok I'll handle it. You girls go home alright."

We leave the room and head downstairs. We walk out of the house. "I'm going to head home alright. Have a goodnight." Caroline says. I hug her and she leaves. I see Stefan coming my way.

"How did everything go? Is she dead?" I ask.

"No, but Damon put her into the tomb where she will stay forever." He looked away from me and then looked down at his feet.

"What's wrong?"

"Katherine is going to die in that tomb because she won't have blood. So, I tried to get back with Elena, but she...."

"She didn't want to." I finished

"She doesn't think her family is safe."

"Well she has been through a lot. I would give it some time." he didn't look to happy with my answer. "How about I talk to her? Maybe I can convince her to get back with you."

"Thanks." He hugged me tightly.

"Anything for a friend." he let go and I ran through the parking lot. I saw Elena's car.
"Elena! Wait!" She turned around and saw me.

I caught up to her. "Elena, how are you feeling?"


"That's good! Um I wanted to talk to you."

Right then someone grabbed me and Elena and darkness took over.

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