Chapter 11

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Stefan has been trying to fight the urge to kill and drink human blood ever since Elena let him drink her blood. I am kind of worried about him because what if he can't to fight the urge anymore and goes on a killing rampage. Every time I ask if he's ok, he always says he's alright, but I have a feeling he's not. I hope he's ok.
I head downstairs seeing Stefan drinking. That's not like him.
"Hey Stefan."
He looks my way and smiles before drinking his drink. "Hi, Emily." he seemed to choke out.
"Stefan, I'm really worried about you. You seem...different."
"No. I'm fine. Just having a drink."
"Alright. Do you mind if I join you?" I ask.
"Help yourself to anything."
I smile and grab a cup filling it with a random drink. I lift my cup and so did Stefan.
"Cheers." we both say tapping our cups together making a 'clink'. We drank our drink and mine was really strong and I coughed a little.
"A little too strong for ya, huh?" Stefan laughs.
I finished my drink and Stefan kept pouring himself more and more.
"Wow Stefan." I say. "You must enjoy drinking."
"Yeah, you can say that." he downs his drink.
"Well I'm going to make myself something to eat." I get off the couch and walk up to Stefan. I hug him. "I'm here for you, Stefan." he hugs back for about five seconds before he quickly faced away from me.
"Stefan your not okay. Look at me."
He turns around and his fangs were out and his eyes red. Under his eyes, black veins were popping out. His face turned to normal again. "I'm fine. I can handle it. Go eat."
I stood there shocked for a minute before I went into the kitchen. I leaned against the counter thinking.
He is not ok. He wants blood. Drinking isn't gonna hold him forever. Soon he's gonna go out a kill. I have to tell Damon before something bad happens.
I walked out of the kitchen and Stefan was gone.
"Stefan?" I called. "Stefan are you here?"
There was no noise, just complete silence. This is scaring me. I ran back to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I walked back to the living room and slowly moved my way to my room. Once I made it to my room, I locked the door. I grabbed my phone and dialed Damon's number.
"C'mon. C'mon." I whisper. He didn't answer. I groaned.
I gasped as I heard my door open. Standing at the door was Damon. I sighed in relief.
"What's wrong?" he asked coming into the room.
"Stefan. He's not normal."
"I know."
"He almost bite me today. I'm lucky that he controlled himself. We have to get him back into his animal diet."
"I know."
"You seem to know everything, Damon. Why haven't you done something about it?"
"Because my brother is finally acting like vampire. He's being who he really is."
"So your ok with him killing innocent people? Killing me?" I cross my arms.
"Get ready for the Founder's Day Kickoff party." he left the room and I scoffed.
I really hope he didn't mean what I thought he meant. Is he really ok with me dying? That kind of hurts. My question is: Why doesn't he care now? Why didn't he just let me get killed at the house the other day? What's the difference between Stefan killing me and other vampires? I just wish it wasn't true.
"I have nothing to wear." I shout.
"Call Elena. She'll let you have something." Damon shouts back.
"I can't leave the house." I remind.
Damon was suddenly at the door. "C'mon I'm dropping you off."
"Can't you just take me to get one instead of barging in someone's house to get a dress."
He looks like me like he was annoyed. "Fine, but you have only an hour to find one or I'm picking."
"As long as it's appropriate."
"No promises." he says walking away.
I sigh and follow him out to the door.
~After Shopping~
I was almost time for the party and we just got done shopping. I took a shower before changing into my dress. It was plain red, spaghetti strap dress. It stopped a little above the knee. I really loved this dress. Damon picked it, because he wanted to. He has some good taste. He also bought me matching heels. I swear he wants me to break an ankle. Once I finish changing, I put makeup on. I put on mascara and eyeliner. I applied eye shadow and finished with lip gloss. I blow dried my hair and curled it. As soon as I finished, I looked at myself in my mirror.
"You look amazing." I look seeing Damon at the door.
"Thank you." I smile.
He walks towards me and stops right in front of me. "I have a welcome to Mystic Falls present for you."
"Don't you think it's a little to late for that?"
"It's never to late to welcome someone, especially someone as beautiful as you."
I blush. He pulled a box from his coat pocket and handed it to me. I opened it and it was a heart necklace.
"Thank you, Damon. It's beautiful."
"May I?" I handed him the necklace and he put it on.
"Promise me you'll always wear it."
"Let's go. The party is about to start."
We head downstairs and Stefan was waiting. "You look beautiful, Emily."
"Thank you, Stefan."
We headed to the Lockwood's house. When we arrived, the house was full of people. We entered the house and people were drinking and laughing.
"So Stefan is that drinking helping you?" Damon asked. "Any cravings? Urges?"
"Damon, leave him alone." I say.
"I'm going to find Emily." Stefan walks away.
"I'm following." I followed Stefan. Stefan walked to a bar drinking.
"Really?" I raise my eyebrow.
"It helps with the cravings." he whispers looking around.
"If being around all these people kills you, then you shouldn't be here. Not being mean."
He didn't answer. Elena walked up to us and hugged me. Stefan kissed her cheek.
"Are you drunk?" Elena asks.
"No." He answers.
"Yes." I correct.
Stefan and Elena go to dance on the dance floor. I ask for a drink and down it. I see Elena and Stefan dancing and Elena bumps into someone. Suddenly Stefan grabs him and says something. Elena looked worried and I went to them.
"Stefan leave him alone." I demand.
"Say your sorry and mean it." Stefan was compelling him.
The man did as told and left.
Damon comes to us," Elena, Jeremy is asking about Vicki. I would compel him, but he's wearing vervain."
"I'll handle him." Elena walks away. Damon leaves and Stefan and I are left alone.
"May I have this dance?" he asked.
"Yes." I smile. I shouldn't be trusting Stefan right now especially after what happened, but he seems to be doing just fine.
While we were dancing Damon interrupts us,"The Council is hunting vampires and also, I killed John."
"Who's John?" I ask.
"His name is John Gilbert. Elena's uncle." Damon answers.
"What? You killed him?" I whisper/yell.
"He knows about me, Emily. He knows I freed the vampires from the tomb. If I let him live, he would probably tell the Council."
"That doesn't give you a right to kill him. You should have compelled him."
"He ingested vervain so I snapped his neck."
"Your crazy." I look over not seeing Stefan. I had a bad feeling and started looking for him. I finally found him walking out the house. I quickly ran after him and saw he had blood on his finger. He tasted the blood and he turned to me. He walks away and I call," Stefan wait!"
The man from earlier came up to Stefan. He threw a punch at Stefan, but Stefan caught it and crushed it. "Stefan stop!" the man was terrified.
Stefan grabbed the man and looked at him straight in the eye. "You won't remember this happened. You fell." He threw the man on the floor and walked away.
I ran to Stefan. "Stefan!"
"Go away, Emily!"
"No! What happened back there?"
"Nothing. Go away before I almost kill you again."
He was gonna kill me.
"Stefan stop!" Stefan-in vampire speed- had my back to him and he covered my mouth. I tried to get him off, but he pointed to where the man was. Elena was there. He picked me up and started running. In a couple minutes, we were back home. He let me go and I looks at him like he was crazy.
"Stefan, what happened?"
"Matt's mother had a cut in her forehead and it was bleeding. I had to get out of there."
"You need to stop drinking and find a way to get yourself back to your animal diet because this is getting out of hand. The person you almost kill could be Elena."
"No. I couldn't hurt her." he shakes his head.
"Stefan, if you don't do something then it could happen."
He shakes his head. "I just can't stop. It's so satisfying."
"We can help you, Stefan. Just let us."
"No. I need to do this by myself."
"Alright. I'm gonna have a drink. Join me?" I ask.
He nods. I pour two cups of wine and hand one to Stefan. We tap our glasses together and drink.
Not long after, Damon arrived home. "I see you two are having fun."
"Yeah. Come join." I answer.
"Nah, We need to talk."
"Damon saying no to drinking. That's a first." I laugh and so does Stefan.
"Haha funny." Damon fake laughs.
"I'm gonna go somewhere first." Stefan was gone in a flash.
"Why did you guys rave early?" Damon asks.
"Well he was leaving and I tried to stop him, but he dragged me here." I explain.
"Why was he leaving?"
"He saw blood. Anyway, I'm gonna change. Be right back."
I walked upstairs and into my room. I laid on my bed for a minute before getting up. I walked into the bathroom and removed my makeup. While putting my hair into ponytail, I headed to my room. I changed out of my dress into shorts and t-shirt.
I walked downstairs and saw Stefan and Damon talking. "Hey what are we talking about?" I sat down on a couch.
"John is alive." Stefan says.
"But you-."
"I know." Damon interrupted. "He has a ring like Alaric's so he came back to life."
"What are you going to do?" I ask.
"I don't know yet." Damon answers. I, then, notice a glass if blood in Damon's hand. Stefan seemed to be staring at it. Damon set it in the table. "Well, we should go to sleep it's been a long day."
"Yeah." I agree. I go upstairs and head to my room. I laid in my bed and covered myself. After a few minutes I fell asleep.

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