The Swordsmen

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Cirrus Blake 





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Personality:Cirrus was a rather bright and cheerful child but growing up had stanted that part of his personality and seeing how dark the world around him was took it's toll

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Cirrus was a rather bright and cheerful child but growing up had stanted that part of his personality and seeing how dark the world around him was took it's toll. During his time in the army Cirrus become less of a person and more of a robot, he followed orders and shut off his emotions which had an effect on the way his personality ended up developing throughout his teenage years. Cirrus is blunt and will always tell it how it is, if you're annoying he'll say something and if you look like trash he'll also tell you straight up. He doesn't have much of a concept of how his words can effect others and doesn't really get why people get so upset when he says certain things. Although he does feel bad when he hurts peoples feelings he'll probably never apologies, at least not at first. 

Cirrus is also incredibly gloomy, he tends to see the darker side of things and can come off incredibly cynical. He can't see the silver lining and is easily annoyed. He's often grumpy, broody and sighs a lot. Although he won't get angry he will get fed up with your shit. Even though Cirrus is a big dark cloud floating over everyone's heads he still has a softer side, he can at times be sweet and is slowly learning to let his emotions take a foothold in his life. The longer he is around people the more his robotic attitude fades off and show an awkward boy who hasn't seen the sun or warmth for a very long time. 

Cirrus was born in the slums although he never knew his parents, and spent his life hanging around with his friend, he always looked up to the army and wanted nothing more than to join them so he could protect the people he loved.  The moment he could he joined them although he was quick to find out that the army wasn't what he had thought. There was a man he looked up to, one he aimed to be like, he was a cold man who did everything asked of him without faultering and Cirrus tried his best to follow his leadership. 

Although when Cirrus was nineteen the man died which left a rather large hole in his heart, they weren't all that close but Cirrus at times thought of the man as a father and when he died on a mission he only become more shut off from the world. It got to a point in Cirrus' life that he just couldn't follow along with the army anymore and so he left, instead turning to mercenary work to make a living and although he has no plans of actually helping people and bringing an end to the war he seems to keep finding himself with the people who are. 

Cirrus likes cats 

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