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Country:Hong Kong 

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Hong Kong 

Black List Prince
Fake Prince 
Half Prince 







Lucas NCT

Appearance: Lucas NCT

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Personality:Sai has a terrible habit of not living up to his parents expectations, he's a notable 'bad boy' who spends most of his time making headlines rather than leaning how to rule

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Sai has a terrible habit of not living up to his parents expectations, he's a notable 'bad boy' who spends most of his time making headlines rather than leaning how to rule. He is a disappointment not just to his family but to his people, where a royal is meant to be a beacon of hope he is a black cloud hanging over them. Sai is a reckless playboy, often getting himself into trouble, sleeping around and getting into fights. Sai tends to be very hands on. He has a temper and will use any excuse to get into a fight, whether it be over a lover or the last cake in a store. Sai is the type to wear a leather jacket and ride a motorbike, and the only reason he isn't covered in tattoos is because no tattoo place would dare print on a prince. Sai covers everything with sarcasm and anger, he has never once showed his true colours nor let anyone in enough to get any real emotion out of him. Under his rough exterior Sai is broken and screaming for help. He's an outsider in his own skin and has never made a real human connection, every time he get's close he pushes people away with anger and force. As they say Sai has a long list of ex lovers and they'll tell you he's insane. Sai can be erratic and will often drag other people into his messes just for a little fun, he's the type to cause trouble just because he can and a lot of people have said he is an attention seeker. 

Sai isn't the son of the Hong Kong Queen, he was born from an affair his father had with a women from Thailand, this quickly made him an outcast when he was brought home and he wasn't treated as a real son by the Queen nor most of the servants. He was kept away from any siblings and grow up isolated. In his early teens Sai started acting out and eventually became known as the black sheep of the family. He learned to lock himself away from the world and only show the parts he wanted to, which were never the good parts.  When Sai started taking lovers anyone he dated ended up on what people call a black list. Some strive to be on the list while others regret ever getting involved with Sai. 

Sai really likes cats. 


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