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'Little Miss Blondie'
Chanel Nori Ridland
 Aromantic, Heterosexual 

'Little Miss Blondie'Chanel Nori Ridland 16Female Aromantic, Heterosexual 

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Chanel is a princess in all terms of the word

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Chanel is a princess in all terms of the word. She's elegant, beautiful and completely charming. She has an award-winning smile and knows what to say and when to get anything she wants. She had been spoiled endlessly since being with her father and she plans on being the only gem in his eyes. Which she is. Or was. 
Chanel is a true celebrity baby. She was born in the spotlight and knows how to act whenever people are around although this has forced Chanel to keep a lot of her true personality inside which honestly isn't very bright. 
Chanel is cunning, conniving and a complete and utter bitch. She has a way with people and can easily get her way but when one thing is out of place all hell can break loose. Chanel can snap just like that and turn on anyone. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty if need be and has gotten a fair few kids kicked out of school since she started high school just because they rubbed her the wrong way. 
She's very judgmental of others and can't really understand the whole 'poor' thing. She's one of those rich kids who thinks if you can't buy bread you can just eat cake. Chanel is buying a new outfit every other day and is always wearing something pink. She's also the type of girl to wear a headband most days just because it's the closest thing to a tiara that she can wear in public. Chanel can come off as a regular bubbly white girl, she likes coffee and has a weakness for chocolate. And you can often find her laughing and joking around with her 'friends'. Chanel sees herself in a certain light and won't have anything or anyone for that matter who threatens the way she appears. She has cut a lot of people off just because they didn't fit into her image. Despite all of her horrible traits Chanel has a heat deep down in there, even though you can never tell if it's for her or for someoen else she will often hurt people who threaten the happiness of the small amount of people she calls friend. 

Chanel is a twin. When her and her brother were born it killed her mother and her father was absent for the first year of her life. But that's a part of herself that she can't remember so it's not relevant to her. 
She has an older sister in college and her brother doesn't live at home for personal reasons, both things she couldn't care less about. Chanel lives the life of a princess with a celebrity father, well two really. Chanel has two dads although only one is famous the other makes small appearances in their reality TV show. 
It seems odd when you look at family photos and see four small white people and one large not so white man in the back. That is Chanel's other father, Vashal. The man who saved her fathers life long before she ever met him.  
But that's not part of her life so it's not important. 
Chanel is a dancer, she has been in dance since she can remember and it's the biggest part of her life and one of the only things she is really passionate about. 
Chanel has a slight obsession with dieting and appearance. When she was in elementary school she was a chubby kid and she was bullied which was something she hated about herself to the point where she needed to change and she did. Chanel forced herself to change and will only allow a slight cheat day every now and then with chocolate. 
Chanel doesn't get along with her siblings, or really anyone that isn't her best friend or her dad. But that won't stop her from being popular. 


Literally everyone

Dislikes: Literally everyone

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