The Mystix Club

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Prince of Yukina 

Wren of Yukina 




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Even though Wren is the middle child of a large family he managed to adopt a rather eldest child view on things, Wren unintentionally goes out of his way to take care of other people around him which is a trait that was ingrained into him growing up

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Even though Wren is the middle child of a large family he managed to adopt a rather eldest child view on things, Wren unintentionally goes out of his way to take care of other people around him which is a trait that was ingrained into him growing up. 
Because of the erratic and irresponsible behaviour of his elder twin brothers, he took on the role of an older brother when it came to his sisters, which is one of the reasons he is heavily protective of them. 
In Wren's mind, no one is good enough for his perfect little sisters that can do no wrong in the world. 

Wren is the quiet type, he prefers keeping out of drama and avoiding troublesome activities. Most people from Wren's kingdom have an unhealthy obsession with adventures and risking their lives. Something which Wren is constantly trying to avoid, although sadly he can't always avoid them with the lifestyle he has been forced to life due to his parents pushing. 

If it were up to Wren he would take his books and go study somewhere away from Red Fountain and all of the idiots that go there, but that wasn't the case. His parents pushed him into the school, with the argument that he would be closer to his youngest sibling and he would be able to protect her. 

Wrten is somewhat aloof, he hates talking about himself and often will avoid people who try and dig deep into his shell, it's there for a reason and he has no reason to let anyone in that isn't his sisters. Even his elder brothers know nothing about him. 

Wren isn't the type to get angry, simply annoyed and he can get very very annoyed at almost anything. Really annoyed is his default emotion. 

Wren grew up in a large family with two, very annoying older brothers and two sweet perfect little sisters. Wren would often dote on his sisters and take care of them up until they not longer wanted him to. 
When Wren did have alone time (which wasn't often) he would often go off and sit alone outside and read, books were one of the only things in life he really loved. His favourite books were rare books from the planet earth, Wren always had a particular interest in books written about magic by those who didn't even know it really existed. 

Learning was one of the things Wren had always been interested in, and when he became a little older he started to be fascinated and trap making. A skill his parents thought would do him well in Red fountain a school he was heavily against going to until he found out his sister was going to be close by. 

Wren has never been great at opening up and making friends before people got close to him they often gave up on him before they were able to really get to know him and Wren was okay with that. He liked being alone.. at least that's what he told himself. 

Steel Whip with freezing capabilities 


'Everything I am, and everything I do is for my family,' 

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'Everything I am, and everything I do is for my family,' 

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