
48 3 10

Youngest Xan Prince



Physical Age:

Real Age:



Nilly is just at 6 feet, for a while his siblings didn't think he'd get there. He has light purple skin which almost looks grey in some light, long navy blue hair with purple highlights and bright blue horns which get darker as they near the tip. 
His horns only curse slightly due to his youth, and his eyes almost look completely white yet have a tint of blue if you look at them from the right angle. 
His nose is straight, and long although button like at the tip. 

Nilly has thin lips and high cheekbones, his face is angular and his saw is sharp. He has a white line down his nose which goes off to the side under his eyes into a point. Four dots under each eye, three dots on his chin. The line starts at his forehead where a crescent moon lays. 

Nilly is thin, agile and gangly. His skin is smooth and void of scars, his youth is clear from the way he looks and acts. The best word to describe Nill'Xan is pretty. 

(I had no choice but to try and draw my pretty boy)

(I had no choice but to try and draw my pretty boy)

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Personality: Nill'Xan could quite easily be referred to as the baby in his family, with both his personality and his age

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Nill'Xan could quite easily be referred to as the baby in his family, with both his personality and his age. Nilly is a bright bubble of curiosity and optimism, he has never suffered a strong loss and is somewhat sheltered from the harshness of the world. 

His elder siblings are his idols, he looks up to them as if they know everything and as long as they're around everything will be okay. Even with the idea of his planet dying he still holds onto that sweet childish hope, and as long as his family is okay everything else will be okay according to him. 

This is not to say Nilly is innocent, he likes to have fun and has had many affairs in his lifetime. Yet he has never really found a strong connection with anyone, most of his partners never took him seriously because of his age and he had only ever had people approach him due to his pretty and soft appearance. 

Nill'Xan is a thrill seeker and a pleasure seeker. He looks for both in every opportunity, always willing to give anything a chance or a try. He has always been very open about everything, open in the way he acts and open in trying new things. When he found out his family were leaving his planet he jumped quite quickly at the idea and embraced it without a second thought. 

Nilly often needs to be held back or restricted from things, he's the type to see a cool unknown plant and say 'I want to touch it' things he has often been scolded for. 
The guy just seems to have no sense of danger and might simply walk right into a mind field without realising it. 
It's always been clear that Nill'Xan needs to be protected, for he is just a little lamb and the world is full of wolves. 

Lawful Good

Opinion of Earth: 
Nilly misses his own world and the beauty it held but earth has its own little charm, he's fascinated in the apocalypse that has happened and the state in which everything has turned. On earth his curiosity has taken over and he wants to know everything. 

Being alone, lost without his family. Nill'Xan has a deep fear of being without his family in any situation, they have been there for him for his entire life and the idea of them not being there terrifies him. 

Nill'Xan's strengths lie in his ability to understand and consider things, he is a thinker, not a fighter which allows him to truly understand a situation before acting. 

That said, his weakness and his strength are one in the same. He often thinks too much into things and trust situations far too easily which can lead to danger. 

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