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Adrian Silver Holmes 
Personal Trainer 

Adrian Silver Holmes 36FemaleHeterosexual MarriedHumanPersonal Trainer 

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 The sweetest thing you may ever meet, Adrian has always been a kind soul. Seeing the glass as half empty and never half full. She's adventurous, and always looking for something fun and challenging to do.   She's the type to charge head into things instead of thinking them through. she lives off the high of life, always finding something to do, something to make things interesting. She never paid much attention to love, and boys when she was younger. But she had/has a large fascination with 'girly things'. She doesn't wear makeup, but would happily sit there while her friends Electra and Dove did her makeup. 

She envies girly types, only really because she felt she wasn't a true part of that friend group. She was too far as 'one of the boys' to ever really know hot to be girly. But the two still took her in with loving arms and taught her as much as they could.

Adrian, well she's a little daft. Never having a high IQ, and being terrible at book work. This has upset her at points in her life, but nothing can keep her down for long. When she does get upset it will only be for short spats of time. She has an intense love for sport, and was a hockey player throughout high school. Moving onto soccer when she got into collage. Adrian is the sugar in your tea, the honey on your toast. Just a little sweet spot in your life. innocent. 

She's a little rash at times and has matching ring tattoos with her fiance which they got when they went on a random trip around the world. Hick hiking most of the way, even though Adrian has more than enough money to get them places. She has only been completely upset once in her life, and that was when her oldest brother attempted to kill himself. That had her a mess for months, she's very close with her family. 

Adrian was adopted into a rich household, where she had two brothers and a younger sister. Her lover of sport had her not being able to bond well with her family since she was the only one which was into that sort of thing. Throughout high school, she was involved in a lot of protesting relating to feminist rights. Which had her suspended a lot, all she wanted was to be equal with the boys. Just before she got into college, she and her best friend confessed their love for each other. And not even a year later was engaged with matching tattoo rings, which they got travailing the world. When she was a child, she was friends with Elliot, forcing him out into the world to do things she wanted to do. He didn't much like it, once he became a true introvert she started to bond more with Electra and Dove. Wanting badly to be a part of their world yet never fully understanding it. 

Not long after she returned from her trip her oldest brother attempt suicide, this had her a wreck for a long time but she managed to pull herself together enough to try and help him. 

Adrian became an athlete before leaving college and stayed one until the birth of her triplets. The babies were a blessing and she loved them with everything she had. It was then that she decided to train people rather than compete and so now that's what she does. 
Barely a year after the triplets Adrian got pregnant again, and again and ended up with five beautiful children.
Even though she loves them after that she might have gotten her tubes tied just to be on the safe side. 

10 Fun Facts!

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10 Fun Facts!

1. She loves the sea

2. She doesn't mind getting dirty

3. Intense hate of bullies

4. She thinks musicals are lame

5. She LOVES bacon

6. Her guilty pleasure is 1D

7. She hates peas

8. Johnny Depp is bae

9. She likes rabbits

10. Only ever dated one person

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