
36 3 1

Allegiance: Cult

House: Ambrosia

Giovanni " Gani" Esposito





 Cis Male


(Asher Angel)

Looks: (Asher Angel)

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Personality: Gani often has a rather cool demeanour always wearing a soft and knowing smile which seems to hold all the answers

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Gani often has a rather cool demeanour always wearing a soft and knowing smile which seems to hold all the answers.  He is a bit of a natural genius, always scoring well in class without seeming to put any effort into it. The kind of high achiever which pisses the hardworking smart kids off.  If you saw him alone you might notice something missing in his eyes, an emptiness or maybe it's a longing for something that's no longer there? If he saw you looking that sweet and pretend smile would come back quickly as though it never left, you might even believe what you saw was your imagination. 

Gani is bright, cheery and a friend to everyone and yet he is close to no one. He's the type of person that drifts from one group to another, everyone knows who he is but no one knows anything about him just that he is there. If it looks like someone is getting too close to him Gani will often pull away, letting people in has never been on the agenda. Gani has often been called charming and can easily pull people in making them feel at ease around him, there has always just been something about his aura that entices them, being around Gani can be addictive, he'll show you things you never thought you would see and not just with his magic, Gani has always been able to find the hidden beauty in life, a little world under a rock or a perfect clearing filled with wonder these little secrets are things he tends to keep to himself but when he does share it is as though a new person comes out. 

Gani is naturally curious and has a sort of childlike wonder at times, although those are aspects of himself he keeps away from others through fear letting someone in, he prefers solitude yet hates it. Being alone will often bring up memories and thoughts he wants to push away, so he surrounds himself with people without letting them really be with him.  Although Gani seems this bright and buddbily person Gani refuses to be touched, he is always covered completely and wears gloves refusing handshakes, hugs and the like, once in class, a teacher grabbed his shoulder and he flipped out causing a large commotion, something which would have thrown everyone off. 

Physical contact 
Getting attached 
Being Alone 
Having no control over himself 

Giovanni went through long term torture and abuse, at the same time watching his sister die. 

A strong connection to illusion magic 
Wants to learn enchanting, but needs the cult to do that. 

Giovanni only has one magical parent, the other being a completely normal human and for a while in his youth, it was thought that he was going to be a normal human as well while his younger sister already showed promise for magic. The two were very close, Giovanni only being a few years older, he was always like her little protector. 

When Giovanni was twelve and his sister was ten they were abducted from their regular human neighbourhood, the two of them were kept, tortured and abused for three months before his sister couldn't take it anymore and died. Her body was left there with him for three more days while he was tormented, a new horribly feeling welling up inside of him until he exploded his magical abilities surfacing. Giovanni put his abductors through a nightmare, forcing them to kill themselves, it was another day before he was found wandering the streets with his sister's body in his arms. 

Since then he has hated them, hates humans, and feared touch. He hasn't allowed anyone to get close to him, and often still has nightmares about what happened back then. 

Giovanni has an odd obsession with butterflies and can be seen making them appear around him. 


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