Codename Heroes

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Role:Occasionally, I Give a Damn

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Occasionally, I Give a Damn. 

Vincent DuBois 





Asexual, Demiromantic 

Hero or Villian:


Hero or Villian:Appearance:

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Personality:Vince is rather nonchalant, he tends to avoid but issues and will often take care of number one which is himself

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Vince is rather nonchalant, he tends to avoid but issues and will often take care of number one which is himself. From first meetings, he comes across as rude, and selfish but really he's just blunt and closed off. He doesn't like letting people get too close to him for he has a fear of either hurting them or getting hurt himself but if you manage to push through that Vince will become the most loyal friend you could have. Of course, his idea of friendship is light insults 24/7 which can also come across as bullying. He's blunt and will always speak his mind, believing fully in the idea of free speech. He avoids keeping secrets and tends to have no filter at all. 

Vince is the type of person who always ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time, which can lead to him getting into trouble or even falling into the wrong crowd. He often shows up when things are happening and accidentally get's himself involved as much as he doesn't want to be. He really doesn't care about other people, or at least he tries not to but it's hard to push past the softie deep within him.He is also very, very sarcastic. It's basically every other thing that comes out of his mouth, although it may be a defence mechanism to make himself appear less serious it's also a form of life for him.  

Toxicnesis, Poison Immunity and Poison consumption 

Student or Teacher:

Super Suit:

Brief History:Vince was a happy and energetic boy, although born with his powers he hadn't really come into them until he was ten years old when he ended up hurting the family dog

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Brief History:
Vince was a happy and energetic boy, although born with his powers he hadn't really come into them until he was ten years old when he ended up hurting the family dog. The accident bought him to tears but his parents were both kind and reassuring, they wanted nothing more than to help their boy. The plan was to keep his powers under wraps, hiding them away from everyone and everything even surprising them which ended up turning deadly. 

Because he hadn't been learning to control them or even using them his powers built up and one night on his twelfth birthday Vince lost control while having a nightmare when his father came to soothe him back to sleep Vince killed him. After that Vince's mother who said she didn't blame him fell into depression until one day she was just gone leaving Vince with a note with a phone number. 

When Vince called it he found his aunt, his father's sister who took the boy in.  The woman was odd and stern, she quickly found out about Vince's abilities but instead of teaching him to hide them, she encouraged him to control them and even helped him. When he was a young teen she got him a black kitten, and said if he can keep it alive and take care of it then he was ready to face the world. The kitten is now his one and only friend. 

Theme Song:
I Write Sins not Tragedies 
(Panic at the disco) 


Quotes:"Humans are nothing by poison" 

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"Humans are nothing by poison" 

" I couldn't care less about what you do, but don't do that." 

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