
73 4 3

Jax Mindel



The Sherif 

- Drinking 
- Kids
- Sweets 
Small animals 

-Annoying people 
- Idiots 
- Adults acting like children 
- chaos 

Face claim:
Nicolas Hasni 

Face claim:Nicolas Hasni 

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 Jax has always had a temper, he's quick to anger and hates unpredictable childish people. He's what you would call a real stick in the mud. Always making sure everything goes to plan and never sparing time for fun. These traits all though they are annoying they make him great at leading any situation, and always keeping a strong head. He has no time for emotion and puts the fate of the many before the fate of the one. He's determined to survive any ordeal one way or another and only has a soft spot for his 'baby' brother. He's sort of the father in a way scolding when you do something wrong and praising when you do something right. He puts it upon himself to take care of people, also he only sees the world in black and white. If you're good, you're good if you're bad, you're bad. No in-between. There are points when Jax shows his soft side, often when it comes to children or women, he can be kind and even considerate but it isn't a side of him he likes showing and when the world is falling apart it is a part he really wants to keep locked away. Jax easily lapses into depression which is where he will pick up a drink, although the whole current experience has been rather sobering. That said, given the opportunity and right push he could quickly fall back into his old habits. 

When he was a teenager Jax had it all, the popular girlfriend, a spot on the football team and a bright future. Growing up with a quarterback attitude to the world which only washed away when he graduated and realized his life was fake. His friends, his girlfriend and even his parents all only saw that one part of him. He might have gone on and continued this life if it weren't for an accident just after graduation, which forced him out of the professional football career and cost him his girlfriend. As everything around him started to fall apart him he turned to drinking, only stopping when his twin brother convinced him to get off the couch and get a life. He joined the police force at that time and for a few years everything was good, well that was until his temper got the better of him and he lashed out on the job almost getting fired. The issue had him reverting back into his old ways of drinking, it got so bad that he really did lose his job not long before this pandemic started. 

At the beginning of this whole this his twin was bitten, Jax had to kill him. 

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