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Brian Banks 




Jordan Fisher 

Jordan Fisher 

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Brian or "Meteor" which he commonly goes by these days is a bit of a confused mess

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Brian or "Meteor" which he commonly goes by these days is a bit of a confused mess. It's not that he isn't smart he just never pays attention and often get's lost in thought. Sometimes he has so many thoughts that they all jumble up in his head and confuse him, not to mention anyone he's talking to. Despite his chaotic powers, Brian is a rather calm and docile person. Brian is quiet and soft-spoken most of the time, but when he ends up on one of his tangents it's almost impossible to shut him up. 
The more excited he is or nervous the faster he talks and half the time no one can tell what he's saying because of it. 
Brian was once a very touchy-feely and compassionate person. He was the type of person that introduced himself through hugs, which often made others uncomfortable. But since his accident, he tends to avoid touching people for fear of hurting them. 

Brian has a big heart and a lot of love to give. He cares too deeply sometimes and only has close friends. He trusts easily and is genuinely a kind soul. Brian has a philosophy of doing onto others what you would have done onto yourself. He never kills and will always look for another way around the problem and is heavily against senseless violence. He will defend himself and others but he will never harm an unarmed person.  
Brian is the type to rescue kittens from trees and take on strays off the street. Really cats are a big weakness for him and he would even put himself in danger to help one. But then again he'd probably do that for a person too. 

Brian comes from a low economic background, a single mother working to feed and take care of three kids

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Brian comes from a low economic background, a single mother working to feed and take care of three kids. Brian was the youngest and the baby, he always had someone to take care of him and there was a lot of love in his home. 
He always wanted to be helpful but he didn't know how. Brian idolized his elder brother, who to him was the perfect person. He took on jobs from a young age and always had time for Brian when he came home. He was like a father to him. 

As Brian got older he started to realize who his brother really was. His brother had gotten himself involved in some underground criminal organization. Brian was told to stay out of it and the two of them grew apart. Brian couldn't bring himself to tell his mother and when his brother turned up shot dead on the streets he still kept his mouth shut about what he was doing. He was mad at his brother for dying, but also mad at himself for not doing anything about it. 
Brian started studying hard in school with a goal of becoming a cop once he was out. He wanted to help people like his brother get off the streets. 
During high school though Brian got a little sidetracked with his plan. He fell in love with the most perfect boy he had ever met.  For a while everything was perfect, the world, his life even his family was happy. 

One night Brian went camping with his boyfriend. They went out to the lake and star gaze when a meteor shower happened. At first, they were excited, it was beautiful. But it quickly turned deadly. Meteors started to fall where they were and they were unable to get away in time. Brian was hit by one and knocked out. 
For a few days, he was in the hospital when he woke up his boyfriend was by his side but he had a horrible pain throughout his body. 
His boyfriend tried to comfort him but as they hugged Brian's body started to burn until he was on fire. 
Brian burned his boyfriend, scarring his hands and face. And Biran was unable to stop the fire. He ran off until he was found by the X-Men. They gave him a piece of the meteor which they made in his chest to help him control it. But Brian hasn't seen his family since then. 
His boyfriend didn't die but when he tried to contact him he told Brian to leave and never come back. He was scared for life, his face disfigured. Brian hasn't loved anyone like that since. 

These days Biran has an entire suit to go with his meteor chest, and he often helps the avengers out. Although he isn't officualy one. Yet. 

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