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Full Name:
Elizabeth James Hook 


 Red (Everyone) 
Small Captain (Crew) 

Cis / Female 



Captain James Hook 

Appearance/ Face Claim: 
Mackenzie Christine Foy

Appearance/ Face Claim: Mackenzie Christine Foy

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Royal or Rebel: Rebel 

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Royal or Rebel: 


Sassy, spirited and probably way in over her head. Red is a real firecracker that seems to always find herself at the short end of the stick. The girl just loves having fun yet always gets herself in trouble doing it. Red is the type of person who charges into her problems head-on never giving herself a moment to think about the consequences, it is safe to say that Red may seem a little 'daft' to some but she can make up for that with the amount of passion she gives to everything she does. 
Red can come off as flirtatious, and overly friendly but it isn't that she is flirting with you. Red simply loves having fun and being sweet or sassy, which often comes off the wrong way, in fact, if you were to flirt with her she would put it down to "Wow they're a nice person" unless you're incredibly obvious about the fact. There are more important things in life than romance, Red would say, such as adventures and treasure. 

Life is a game that Red loves to play, she'll show off any chance she gets and she will never pass up the opportunity to play a little trick on her crewmates. Often at times, she can give off the 'annoying little sister' vibe but people tend to get used to it and go along with her flow if not there is a good chance they'll hate her. Red can be very chipper, energetic and outgoing there doesn't seem to be an 'off' switch anywhere on the girl and you may find her bouncing off the walls in her cabin before long. There are times where it can seem like Red doesn't take anything seriously but that isn't true, her love and respect for her family are stronger than any bond, and she classes those in her crew as her family. She would do anything for them, and when the time comes she would give her life for them. 

- Always wears red, it's where she got her nickname 
-Loves her daddy 

Extra: - Always wears red, it's where she got her nickname -Loves her daddy 

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