The Mystix Clube 2.0

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Azalea Bloodroot 




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Azalea is often poised and propper, she has all the elegance you would expect from a princess with just enough evil to make her fun

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Azalea is often poised and propper, she has all the elegance you would expect from a princess with just enough evil to make her fun. Azalea has quite the devious mind and always seems to be plotting something on the sidelines, although she isn't one for revealing her plans to others she is able to turn most people into the pawns of her game. 

Azalea has a way with words and can be very charming, she is described as having honeyed words of a silver tongue and she can almost talk her way out of any situation. Azalea is also quite good at getting under others peoples skin and figuring out their weaknesses, it's a trait she inherited from her queen mother. 
Although Azalea loves causing trouble and chaos she is also very well restrained, she is able to hold herself back for the bigger picture and will often find herself pulling those around her back a little to keep them from messing with her plans. 

Azalea is openly condescending, sarcastic and bitter towards people and the world. She has a cynical outlook. She is sadistic and nature and loves testing her poisons on the people around her, if you're close enough to her you might just be spared, but that's isn't likely. 

Azalea is the daughter of the queen witch, she was raised as any dark and evil princess would be. Learning at an early age to mistrust and backstab those around her, as a child she would often enjoy watching her mother toy with and curse the mortal men who came to claim her heart and as she got older she too would participate in those games. 
That was until she started to find them tedious and boring, messing with the hearts of men was fun and all for a while but the real pleasure she found came from hurting them physically. 
From the moment she knew what her special gifts were she started testing them out on the unwearying, giving boils to the servants and melting the flesh of her so-called friends. 

She found test subjects all around her and was overjoyed when she first enrolled in school, knowing she would have an unlimited range of subjects to choose from. 

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Immune to poison 

Able to create poisonous gas or plants around her 

Can infect people just by touching them 

Real good at potions 

'Don't Touch' 

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'Don't Touch' 

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