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The Artist 




Tamlin stands at 6 feet, toned yet lean. His skin and hair are both an inky black, his hair being darker than his skin, with his mouth closed Tamlin could easily completely disappear into shadows. He has his hair long and braided, often winding his braids up on top of his head to keep it out of the way. Tamlin has no tattoos preferring to paint onto his body, there was simply nothing he could decide on which he didn't want to change later on. Often you will see him with white paint on his body, creating patterns and symbols. 
Tamlin has thin lips and a strong, sharp jaw. 

Tamlin is blunt and has a flair of sarcasm. He will gladly get in your face and explain in detail why he doesn't like you, or even why he does (although that is less often) There are far more people he hates than likes. He judges, actions, appearance and personality quickly. Sometimes picking out his idea of you before even meeting you. 
If there is one thing Tamlin likes its art, he was quick to pick up a brush and mix berries for the perfect colours when he was young. Since most people are focused on the war he took over as the artist for his tribe. Although not really an official title he has done most, if not all of the art in his tribe. Something he prides himself in. 

Tamlin has always been a little standoffish, there was only ever one person he got along with and that was the betrothed. Back when they were younger and the chief was with the humans many in the tribe assumed they would marry, of course before he came back that idea was debunked when Tamlin's preference became apparent. 
He has never quite been interested in anyone in his tribe and since their numbers are so low he has accepted the fact that he may in fact never find someone. At times this thought depresses him, he has been known to go away on his own into the woods when these thoughts came over him. Out there he would paint. 

Even though Tamlin has a strong hate for humans he has grown fond of some of their words and symbols, he never took the time to learn their language but he has picked up a few words, mostly curses. And the English letter C tends to make its way into his artwork at times. 

Tamlin's life was much like others in his tribe, his mother was a warrior his father a hunter. He was expected to take on either of those jobs and for a long time, he thought that's what he wanted. 
That was until his mother didn't return from a scouting mission, her body was brought back to the tribe a few days later and his father went through so much grief at the loss of his wife that he was never the same after. 
Humans had ambushed Tamlin's mothers scouting team and most of them were killed, the others captured. This is where most of his hate for the humans comes. 

Tamlin took care of his father for a long time, and the only thing which seemed to put a smile on his father's face was the art Tamlin did. Which is why he gave up on being a warrior or a hunter and took up art. 

Tamlin's father died three years ago from today, and he has never felt more alone in the world. 

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