Gemini Studies Ch:2

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Hunter Assasin

Jeong-Hui Lee


The Red Dragon







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Jeong-Hui is what you could call a wild card, he's unpredictable and possibly insane. He is easily one of the most unstable people you should meet.  Jeong-Hui has a somewhat erratic behaviour, and everything he does is unpredictable. Jeong-Hui is sadistic, he enjoys hurting others and gets a strange kick out of the discomfort of others. 

Jeong-Hui is cold and heartless, even when he was a child he had never taken into consideration what anyone else was feeling and at some point the doctorers thought he was a sociopath. Yet that claim was pushed aside when his behaviour with his sister was monitored.  His sister seemed to bring out a softer side to him that previously wasn't noticed, with her he seemed tender and giving. Always willing to give her whatever she wanted no matter the cost. There were countless times when they were children that he lost a meal because she was still hungry and he never complained or batted an eye at this. 

As he grew it became clear that Jeong-Hui had an unnatural connection with his sister, you could go so far as to call it an obsession. Always her loyal puppy and protector, yet if she were to get serious about someone else something very bad would happen to that person. 
Jeong-Hui has never had a problem with his sister playing around but whenever she would show real affection for someone he would go a little off the rails and that never ended well for anything. That was of course before she died. He has been known to hurt, seduce and play mind games with anyone and everyone, he has a tendency to pray on the sweet and innocent kinds of people with the idea of corrupting them.  

Speciality guns made for killing vampires and silver wire.

Jeong-Hui and his sister had a particularly brutal childhood, only really having each other to rely on, which turned into a rather unnatural attachment from JeongHui's side of things. There came a time when Jeong-Hui stopped crying during the abuse and he would laugh, it was like one day he just snapped and laughed through the pain and torture. That was around the time they were rescued from their home, and even separated for a time. 

Those few months were the worst of Jeong-Hui's life because he couldn't find comfort in his sister after the fact when they finally put them back together something had changed in him. He was quiet, cruel and refused to ever let anything separate him and his sister again. 
It wasn't until their teen years that the discovery of supernatural creatures, it was when his sister became close with a vampire, close enough that she was planning on leaving her brother to be with him. This lead Jeong-Hui to a sort of crazed outcome where both the vampire and his sister ended up dead. 

This lead to him becoming a hunter, a brutal killing machine that wants nothing more than all supernatural creatures dead. 

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