The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 104

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle—A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 12 –The Best Laid Plans
(Continued...Pt. 5)

Luckily for Barrow, a polar-bear's vision is neither especially keen, nor particularly photo-sensitive; otherwise the lights in his eyes would have been a lot more painful. Even so, he was barely able to restrain himself from raising his paws to shield them. These were nobody's dime store flashlights; they seemed to be stabbing straight into his brain.

All the same, he didn't dare make a move; as a member of the ZPD, he knew what he'd do if he were on the other team and the animal in the cross-beams raised an arm.

And then two of the lights swung sideways, like the doors of a saloon, while the one directly in front of him (and the polar-bear known as 'One',) dropped downwards, to the floor.

For a moment, nothing was visible in the darkness, only vague shapes ...but there was no mistaking the pungent, sour-apple odor emanating from within the gloom. Their ambushers were members of a singular species.

Three of the shapes moved forward, coalescing into a trio of bristled faces—menacing faces with kettle chins, flat noses, and short, curling tusks. Their ears resembled moth-eaten aspen leaves, while the eyes were small and glistening. All three were decked out in tac-vests and urban camo—and all three were toting shotguns. The leader was huge for a wild boar, almost the same size as One. He wore an MG belt for a sash and... And what was that umbrella-stand-thing slung over his back? Could it possibly be what Barrow thought it was?

With a snuffling snort, the big boar flashed a wicked grin, reaching up to pat One on the cheek in a gesture of mock affection.

"That shrimp you Goombears work for might be able to fool the ZPD inta thinkin' you was gonna hit one of the pizzerias." He sound deeply amused with himself, "but OUR Boss ain't so easy..."

Something clattered onto the floor, a perforated metal cylinder. Barrow knew what it was, and also that One had tossed it.

And this time, he DID shield his eyes—just as the flash-bang grenade detonated, a sound and a fury like hundred strings of firecrackers, all going off at once.

Someone pulled at his arm; he prayed it wasn't a Razorback and opened his eyes. It was One and he was screaming something...Barrow couldn't hear, but he could make out the words from the other bear's lip movements. "COME ON, THIS WAY!"

He bolted after the lead bear, having no idea where they were going. Wait, One was throwing open a door; where did it go? Never mind, follow the leader, quick!

Barrow charged through the opening, slamming the door behind him. Dangit, where was the lock? Wait, there...a sliding bolt; throw it, hurry!

He slapped the bolt home with the heel of his paw and turned to One...and that was when he saw where they were. He felt his mouth begin to pull back into a snarl, but then a vice-like grip fastened around his muzzle and the other bear put a finger to his lips.

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now