The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 70

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle—A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 8—Where There's Smoke...
(Continued...Pt. 4)

"Oh, come on Nick, it's not that bad; you haven't even broken a sweat."

"Of course...*puff!*... I'm not sweating, Fluff...*gasp!*...*wheeze!*...foxes don't perspire...*huff!*...they pant!...*wheeze!* (Sheesh, you'd think by now she'd remember that little factoid.)

When they'd exited the police cruiser a moment ago, it had been like opening the door of a blast furnace. And now, Nick felt as if his body was starting to shrivel and his eyeballs were turning to sand; he was breathing so rapidly, he thought he was going to hyperventilate.

And this was just getting from the curb to the door of the Meerkat Market's administrative offices, a stroll of no more than twenty-five feet.

"Whoa, I was SO right to wear my old uniform today," the red fox grumbled to himself. Sweat or no sweat, he felt as grimy as a doormat, "I'm just glad Finnick can't see me right now." (With his two built-in radiators in the form of those oversized ears, the little fennec fox was far more adept at dealing with heat than his former partner. Ohhh yes...Mini-Me would just have a ball with this.)

It had been a rocky road to get first, anyway. Judy had encountered no difficulty in determining that Mr. Ian Shortal was A. a real animal, B. Duke Weaselton's brother-in-law, and C. the owner of a candy shop in Tundratown called Sweeties' Scots Confectionary.

But when it came to the question of whether or not he'd been rejected for a bank loan, that was when things got dicey; the first two institutions that Judy talked to had stiffly informed her, 'Sorry, but we cannot give out that information."—banker -speak for 'begone, peasant!' On her third try, Nick had suggested that she mention The Phantom and it had worked like a charm. When the manager of Lemming Brothers Bank heard that name, he'd been only too eager to perform his civic duty...and the next three places she'd contacted had been similarly cooperative.

Of those four, three had indeed received loan applications from a Mr. Ian James Shortal, (and promptly denied them.). That had been more than enough for Judy...and also for Deputy Prosecutor Rudy Gamsbart. On hearing the news, the chamois had at last signed off on Duke Weaselton's story...tentatively. His full approval remained contingent of the fox and bunny being able to locate the elusive drops site, LB6.

And that was the reason Nick Wilde was ready to kick himself from here to downtown Meowria. If he hadn't suggested dropping The Phantom's name, Judy would likely still be trying to pry that loan information out of Zootopia's banking community—from the insides of a nice, air-conditioned police-precinct. "Me and my big, fat, fox-trap! DUMB Nick...stupid, stupid, stooopid!"

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