The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 11

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 3 - Day of Carrots and Blueberries
(Continued...Pt. 3)

"Sweet cheeze n' crackers!"

Judy Hopps leaned her elbows on the dashboard, peering in disbelief through the windshield of the old family farm truck.

She had traded in her traveling clothes for something a little more 'country girl', blue jeans, a checked shirt in sky blue and her famous big, floppy hat, (currently nestled in the lap of the fox seated next to her.) Nick, being Nick, hadn't bothered to change; if Judy knew him, he'd probably wear the same outfit for the whole time he was here, (more of a 'guy thing' than a 'fox thing'.)

"I can't believe this, dad." She said, turning in the opposite direction to speak to the rabbit seated behind the steering wheel.

"I know, Jude." Stu answered, smiling broadly as he swerved to avoid a pothole, "Pretty impressive, huh?"

"Impressive?" Judy thought, gazing forward through the glass again, this time with her nose twitching, "Impressive doesn't even begin to cover it."

She had known the Carrot Days Festival would be bigger than the last time she'd attended-it had be growing in both size and attendance every year since she was a kid-but now it seemed to have taken off like the proverbial bat out of hell.

"You could fit six Meerkat Markets in there." She told herself with growing wonder, "And still have room for the Palm Hotel."

Well maybe this year's celebration wasn't quite that ginormous, but it was still a far cry from the festivals she'd attended as a little girl. Back then, Carrot Days had begun and ended with two rows of vendors' stalls, a hay maze, perhaps an inflatable slide and a barn converted to a makeshift auditorium.

Not any more! Now there were more rows of stalls than Judy could count-and also carnival rides, an outdoor stage, (complete with bleachers,) and a parking area that seemed to stretch from here to Podunk and back.

"How'd it all happen?" Judy turned to her father again, more amazed than ever.

"We picked up a corporate sponsor this year," Stu told her, chest swelling a little as if the sponsor were himself, "Soon as that happened, the festival just took off, whoooooosh!" To emphasize this, he made 'shooming' motion with his paw...causing the truck to lurch sideways a little.

"Both paws on the wheel, Dad," Judy quickly admonished him, ever the family bunny-scout.

"Sorry." Her father answered sheepishly, gripping the wheel and 10 and 2 with a tight, firm paw.

"Who's the sponsor?" Nick Wilde asked, suddenly, from out of nowhere. He seemed to be trying to head off an argument between Judy and her dad.

It was a heartfelt but completely unnecessary gesture; Judy Hopps had never in her life gotten into a shouting match with her father, (or with her mother, either.)

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now