The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 35

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 4 - The Wizard of Chaos
(Continued...Pt. 4)

"I thought you said you had a big breakfast, Nick."

Judy eyed the fox curiously with her nose twitching. She had forgotten all about that-until he'd gone back to snag his basket of blueberries.

"Nervous eater I guess," he shrugged, flicking another one into his mouth. Judy couldn't argue; she was a little nervous herself right now. But then the fox's expression turned slyly sardonic, "If your folks find out we went skydiving, guess whose idea they'll think it was?"

Twenty yards away, unnoticed by either one of them, Jack La Peigne's ears-and his lower jaws-were slowly dropping earthwards.

Skydiving? They'd been talking about skydiving? B-But he'd thought...but she'd said...but the fox had sounded like...

Ohhhh, Sweet Cheez n' Crackers!

Judy's ears went back and she punched Nick in the arm.


"Now just you stop right there Nicholas P. Wilde," she told him, right foot thumping like a war drum, "You know my parents better than that. No matter how crazy they might get if they find out we jumped out of a plane, they'd never blame it on you."

Nick's tail curled upwards between his legs.

"Yeah...yeah, you're right. Sorry, Carrots."

He tried to meet her eyes, but couldn't quite manage it, so instead he settled for another blueberry.

Jack La Peigne could have kicked himself into a coma. Great Burrows of the Bunny Gods, what had he DONE? But it was too late now; the genie was out of the lamp and all he could do was...Ohhhh, NO!

"Here, can I have a couple of those berries?" Judy was asking, holding out her paw. And as Jack watched in helpless horror, Nick offered her the basket and she scooped out two fingers worth of fruit. The big bunny wanted to rush out and knock them out of her paw, but his feet felt as if they were bonded to the ground with iron glue; ditto for his tongue and the roof of his mouth.

"Anyway Nick, I don't think we have to worry about them figuring it out." She gave him a quick appraisal, adding, "I think we look presentable enough."

She was just about to pop a couple of the blueberries into her mouth when the fox abruptly grabbed her by the arm, causing her to drop them.

Jack's head became an instant whirlwind. Could one of those 'berries' have been the pellet-dart? If so, lucky for Judy, but if either one had been the winning lottery ball-and then if anybody but a hoofed species stepped on it....

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now