/28/ The Necklace/

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A/n I tell you to wait a lot I know, but seriously so many things are yet to happen. Also if you think Harry will come back the next day with the whole "I was wrong I really love you." I'm telling you right now that's not going to happen in this story. This chapter will be a full on confrontation between them, reveal exactly why Harry did what he did (no the last chapter only had part of why he did it, cold meaningless words is what he's best at innit?) but seriously anyways Louis being so young and naive...anywho keep this in mind:

People are not who they seem to be.

Anywho 25+ votes and 5+ comments...you get to 15+ too fast.-.

Anybody ever been heartbroken? The feeling of utter betrayal and sadness crushing you from the inside...


(While Louis stayed in the flat)


After arriving at the building in which Harry resided at, I looked at it for a long time before I decided to walk up the few stairs it took to get to his room. I knocked on the door, and it didn't take long for him to open it. His green eyes clouding over when he saw me, but he didn't slam the door, he let it go and walked away. I took it as a cue to enter. The moment I stepped inside I could hear giggling.

"Harry who is it?" a loud girl exclaimed, walking out of the bedroom, bed sheets wrapped around her. My eyes considerably widened, Niall had told me about Louis and Harry's relationship. From what he had said, they had been together for almost three months, he had related that Louis was soft and kind spirited, he wouldn't hurt anyone, but that he was endangering relationships with others by being with Harry, because he thought Harry cared for him like Louis cared him. The earlier actions from Louis only proved how deeply infatuated he was with Harry, the way his eyes had softened the moment he saw Harry walk through the door earlier, but quickly went expressionless only moments later. He had cared for Harry so much, and that had been clear since the moment I saw them together in the morning, doing as Harry told without so much as a protest.

And only minutes after the fallout here was Harry, with another girl. A little part of me had hoped Harry did care about Louis, maybe not nearly as much but at least somewhat. He really did have a cold heart, and seeing what had happened I could only hope to persuade my brother in making things right.

Harry didn't look at me as he looked at the girl and whispered in her ear, she blushed and sauntered off, giving me a small wave before disappearing back into the room, emerging moments later half dressed, or at least to me it seemed like she was half dressed, her clothing consisted of shorts that were much to short, and a shirt that went to her midriff, she wore no shoes, she went and wrapped her arms around Harry, kissing him, he kissed back and I turned away. She giggled once more wiping her lips and walked away. Halfway down the hall she picked up something, and then the door opened and closed as she left.

It was silent for a long time, neither of us speaking. Harry stayed near the doorway to his bedroom, and I did a onceover of his new room before I opened my mouth only to shut it, now that I was here I didn't exactly know what to say.

"Did you come here to stand there or what? 'Cause you just cost me a f*ck, so what the hell do you want now?" he said his voice harsh.

"It's been forty-three minutes since you and Louis had that fight Harry. I thought that at least you'd be thinking about what you just did, alone...just like Louis is right now but I see that I was wrong. I'm sorry I cancelled your plans for the night, but what you did with him was wrong."

He humorlessly laughed, "You think I care?"

I shook my head at his crude words. "He cared for you, what in the world were you thinking by doing that to him?"

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