/36/ Clues/

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On New Years Eve, Liam invited them to a small get together at his flat.

Niall was the first one to get ready and he waited patiently for Louis.

"Lou, Zayn said he'd be here in ten minutes and you still haven't chosen what to wear," Niall finally shouted in exasperation.

"Just give me a moment will you?" Louis shouted back, still checking himself out in the bathroom mirror. His hair was carefully styles to the side, and he was wearing a grey t-shirt with faded, dark blue jeans.

There was loud knocking at the door, and Louis sighed and finally walked out the bathroom right at the moment that Niall opened the door.

"Harry!" Louis shouted, running forward to jump into Harry's outstretched arms.

Niall didn't comment and instead struck up a conversation with Zayn.

Harry leaned down to kiss Louis on the cheek, and bury his head against his neck. "Hey Lou," he murmured against his neck.

"Hi," Louis muttered back. Harry wrapped an arm around his waist, and pulled him close against him.

Zayn snorted, "well let's wait for all the touching until later," he told them.

Niall laughed and crossed his arms in front of him, still wary about how Harry was going to treat Louis.

Harry reached over and punched Zayn on his arm, "Shut up, let's get going,"


Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck pulling him down into a heated kiss in the dark room as the movie played in the background.

Junk food wrappers were strewn all around them, and empty beer bottles (on Zayn and Niall's end) too. Liam was watching the movie from where he was on Zayn's side, head leaning against Zayn's shoulder. Niall was dozing off near the couch, and Louis had gotten bored with the movie thirty minutes ago and instead had turned to kiss Harry.

"If you're going to take it farther there's a room to the left," Zayn called out to them.

"Shut up," Harry told him after pulling back from Louis.

"Just saying," Zayn told him.

"Leave them be," Liam told him.

"Huh?" Niall said from where he was, sitting up straight and wiping his mouth. He got out his phone (the original reason he had bolted awake) and looked through it. "Alexa's throwing a New Years party! Who wants to go?"

"But I thought we were gonna hang here for the night,"

"Honestly mate, you're cool and all but it's New Years. Besides Steve texted and said some nicked some fireworks and they're gonna light them up in the backyard at 12,"

"But-" Liam started. Zayn silenced him with a swift kiss on the mouth.

"Babe, I love you but come on, let's go have some fun! Not that I'm not having fun here, but come on," Zayn told him.

"Fine, I guess I'm not a good party host am I?" and Liam frowned slightly.

"You're perfect but I wanna get wasted and so does niall, and maybe-" Zayn leaned in to whisper in Liam's ear, and Liam turned a dark pink and nodded softly. Zayn laughed, and turned to Louis and Harry. "You guys coming?"

"No-" Harry said the same moment Louis said yes. "Wait what?" Harry asked confused.

"Why not?" Louis questioned.

"But I thought you didn't like parties,"

"No, I don't like parties where you're being grabbed at an I'm getting embarassed." Louis corrected him. Inside though he thought, actually I want to rub it in Alexa's face that you're with me not her! But instead he shouted "Besides it's New Years!"

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