/23/Passing Time/

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The Next Day


"Harry, you ever gave the money?" Louis asked out of the blue, he turned in his place to look up at Harry. It was late Saturday afternoon, and they were standing in Harry's kitchen. Harry got confused for a second before he realized what Louis was referring to. He quickly fixed his composure and replied with a simple "yes."

Louis frowned, truth be told he hadn't thought of it until just a moment prior. "Everything's good?" He asked.

Harry turned towards him and smiled, "Yeah. You hungry? I can make us something." He said trying to change the subject to which Louis complied with more than willingly.

"Okay, I'll help. Let's just stick with simple yeah?" Louis asked. Harry nodded and leaned down to kiss Louis.


Two Weeks Later


The last two weeks they've been inseparable. As far as any of the "group" knows, they (Louis and Harry) never went far from kissing, how did they know?

Harry told them, he tells them everything. Whether it be making out with Louis or any information he got him to say. They'd have a good laugh, and occasionally Niall would have to leave because he was getting sick and tired of hearing Harry say all of this about Louis. Louis didn't deserve this, and Niall dreaded the day Louis would find out.

In the end they all found out about Harry's stupid little game. Though in the past it had just been girls, shy, quiet, soft spoken girls. Who'd cry and scream at Harry, who in return laughed and just walked away, his arms wrapped around another girl. Mostly all transferred schools after they found out except for one, Alexa. When she found out she claimed she didn't care and just wanted more random fucks with him, which Harry was more than willing to comply with. But, the thing is, they never lasted more than a few weeks. Never going past the one month mark, Harry would always get bored, and tired of them before then.

So why was it going onto more than a month and a half that he's been playing around with Louis? What made him so different?

Harry claimed it was because of his beautiful, handful of an arse that he never got tired of slapping around, and so what if it was taking longer than usual.

"Maybe he finally broke you down, maybe you've got feelings for him." Calum said one day when they met up.

"Harry? Finally have feelings and going soft. Never thought I'd live to see the day!" Michael exclaimed.

"I don't get feelings, shut the fuck up before I punch you in the face." Harry snapped.

"What do they ever even see in you?" Luke said shaking his head.

"Shut up." Harry hissed because at that moment, Louis had just crossed through the front doors. Louis saw them and he walked over, a smile placed on his lips.

"Hi." He said softly.

"Hey, love." Harry replied as he got up, grabbing his hand and shooting the lads at the table a look of "keep your mouth shut." before he turned away with Louis by his side.

"What were you guys talking about?" Louis had asked.

"Oh, nothing." Harry had told him.


Two weeks since Harry gave that necklace to Louis, two weeks since they said I love you. It was easy to say Louis was completely oblivious to anything and everything that didn't have to do with Harry. The moment he got out of class, Harry was waiting for him on campus, his homework piled up because every time he ever so mentioned it Harry would simply distract him. He had almost completely forgot about the warning text, it could have been a wrong number, especially since they never texted again. So it almost completely slipped Louis' mind.

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