/8/Drunk Louis/

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A/n I have no idea where I am heading with this. Lets leave it at that. Well I have an idea it's just in my brain. 600 views thank you xx



The sky looked absolutely brilliant. The usual fog from the city wasn't as big here and you could clearly see each star shine being against the dark ink. The moon was casting a nice light for us and it just looked really clean, pure and beautiful.

The smell of the wine hit my nose and it smelled really sweet. I've only ever had wine on special occasions. This could and could not be entitled as a special occasion. It was my first ever date, so yes I would say it was a special occasion. So f*ck it. I tipped the whole glass and drank it all in one run.

When I was done I felt the drink settle in my stomach and I giggled. I haven't sworn in years, and I just did. I felt amused eyes on me and I turned and Harry was sitting to the side his own hand encased around the glass.

I liked the taste of the wine and I wanted more. I crawled over to his lap and took his cup in my hand, he let me. "Should you really drink more of that?" He said leaning down. I shook my head and laughed.

"No, I don't know. Maybe, I don't care." I muttered peering down at the red liquid in the glass.

"Yeah you're right." He said and he gently pried the cup from my fingers.

"But I want it!" I pouted. Okay maybe I've only had a sip of wine, not exactly a full glass, and maybe I didn't know how it would effect me. But lying on a rooftop with a dangerous guy seemed to just have me throw all those thoughts away.

"Maybe later okay love?" He said setting the cup down. I pouted and just looked down at my lap.

"But. I. Want. It." I said, looking up to glare at him. He raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything. When he did try to open his mouth my hand went up and I placed it against his lips.

"Lou." He said against my fingers.

"Shush!" I whispered, leaning up and I placed my head against his chest. "It's beating." I placed my other hand against his clothes chest. It rose up and down with every breath he took and I just kept watching it. I was really drunk to have the courage to just touch him. He grabbed my fingers from his face and laced them with his hands. He placed our entwined hands on my lap. I sighed and just leaned further into his chest. "I like this." I said.

"Me too." He said. I pulled away and looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"Can I have some now?" I asked.

"Is this your first time having wine?" He asked amusingly.

I shook my head. "No! And if you don't give me some now I'll just take it." I said but I laughed and he smiled. I reached up and poked his dimple.

"Are you sure?" He asked. Not really. I have no idea what I'm doing and chances are I will regret it tomorrow.

"Yes." I said.

"Do you know how much you can even handle?" He asked.

I groaned. "I came here to get away from my mum stop acting like her, besides do you not want me to get overly drunk." His eyebrows furrowed together and his tongue poked out.

"Why would I want you passed out drunk, then we couldn't talk."

I hummed in response and just aimlessly patted his cheek. I tilted the cup back and drank it's sweet content. Warmth spread inside me and I laughed. I ran my tongue over my lips and tasted the sweetness, I just kept humming and stroking his smooth cheek. "My mum used to call me boobear." I said out of nowhere.

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