/24/Worth it?/

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A/n basically...a lot of things will happen in the next few chapters, is this okay? Any thoughts? Comment(5+), vote (15+ pretty please?), fan x thank you so much for the birthday wishes x


Louis' heart began to race because this was definitely not the time for Harry to be a smart mouth.

"Excuse me?" his mum asked, her eyes looking Harry up and down almost as if she were evaluating him, and when she looked back up it was obvious she did not approve. Louis turned to look at Niall who, looked grateful that her attention wasn't on him anymore. Quite frankly he was beyond tired with her and his "house cleaning" work questions. However he became too interested in exactly how this would play out, and Louis was trying to catch his eye to ask for help, but Niall wasn't having any of that. "Louis what is this young man talking about?" she demanded.

"N-nothing." Louis stuttered out.

"Than, what is on your neck?" she demanded, and Louis knew that face it was the "don't lie to me or else" face. Yet, still he did not answer. Her patience seemed to be thinning, and Louis was downright panicking on the inside.

He felt a hand land on his waist, and his mum gasped. Harry had come to stand beside him. And Louis was ready to cry because his mum was glowering, and he had specifically told Harry to go back to his flat. Why hadn't Harry listened.

"I believe I haven't properly introduced myself yet...I'm Harry Styles, Lou's boyfriend." the tension got to the point of thickness that it could be cut with a knife.

"Boyfriend?" she demanded and Louis flinched. "My son does not have a boyfriend, especially not someone the likes of you." she continued. Harry's grip on Louis' waist tightened.

"Really? Then explain why the fuck I had your son under-"

"That's enough Harry." Louis whisper shouted. But his mother looked ready to faint, she glanced around her surroundings one more time before she cleared her throat.

"I let you come to America to learn, not hang out with...with these people. Tomorrow you will board the next plane out!" she said.

"Mum no!" Louis shouted.

"No, Louis. You disobeyed me, you are under my parental supervision. You follow my rules-"

"You can't be serious?" Harry shouted behind him.

Louis was glancing at Harry then back at his mum, and Harry seemed really angry. "I'm not going back to England. You can't make me!" Louis said defiantly.

His mum looked at him wordlessly, having never had Louis shout at her like that. Her eyes turned toward Harry who immediately got a look of defiance over his facial features. "You've always been a horrid liar," she said after a moment as she turned towards Louis. "I should have seen this coming, you are a teenager, whatever horrid decisions you were bound to make had to happen though I had hoped you would have been smarter than fall for whatever words he said to you. But, I was a teenager at one point as well...and I can only say, I really hope you know what you are doing. You have had more than enough chances over the years to lie and rebel, but you never did. So I can only assume that you chose to so now is because of him....I can only hope that this phase passes quickly, and you get back to your senses. Come, I want to speak to you." she said and she stepped towards him but Louis jerked back.

"All my life you've sheltered me from the real world, the real world doesn't have maids and mothers coddling their sons every day. I don't want to speak to you, just go."

His mother looked appalled, and she turned toward Harry. "Whatever you've done to him, know this. I know your type and I know you will never ever be good enough for my son." with one last look to Louis she huffed and walked out the door. Louis seemed lost, had he really just done that? He knew his mother wasn't actually leaving, if anything she went to take a walk or something. She didn't just leave because she never would leave without having the last say in something, without having dragged Louis with her. No this was not the end of the discussion with his mother.

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