/2/Drunk Harry/

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Warnings; drunk touchy touchy Harry.


I looked behind me locking eyes once again with the curly haired stranger. I sighed and decided to ignore him, he was probably there for Niall. I turned back to staring at the ceiling contemplating my options.

I could stay here and put up with everything or go back home thousands of miles away knowing I would never be allowed out of England ever again. She only let me come because it was a well known school, and even then it wasn't until the school year was two weeks in and the chance at the school still accepting me was dwindling did she finally say yes.

My classes started in two days and I was nervous and scared. Already feeling the butterflies in my stomach moving nonstop. I felt something firm press against my bum I gasped and instantly sat up. My eyes flickered to the laughing tattooed man standing beside my bed.

"Did you just touch me?" I demanded. He stopped laughing and he arched his eyebrow, crossing his inked arms in front of him. The action made me uneasy but I was not willing to back down.

"So what if I did?" He said in a taunting voice. I huffed and glared at him.

"It was rude. You are rude." I stated. It only seemed to amuse him even more and he walked closer. His arm muscles tightening. His knee hit the side of the bed and he leaned down so that his lips were only an inch away, his eyes flickered to my own a second later.

"What are you going to do about it?" He whispered. His dark gaze locked on me. I rolled my eyes knowing his intention.

"Never in a million years." I muttered and I lied down and turned my back towards him. This opportunity at freedom was too important to me, I was not going to let him ruin it for me. A sudden force pulled me back so that I was now lying on my back, pressed hard against the soft mattress.

An amused figure hovering over me. His hands placed on either side of my head to help keep him supported. His green eyes looked me up and down and I was starting to really get annoyed. Did he not understand I wanted nothing to do with him? He smiled, this time it seemed genuine and it exposed two deep dimples in his cheeks.

"Get off me you idiot." I said annoyance seeping into my tone. His smile just grew. That's when I noticed the room was quiet except for our breathing and glancing at the door affirmed that it was closed.

I reached up and the palms of my hands pushed at his chest. I pushed slightly though he might be annoying I didn't just want him to fall and get hurt, but he didn't even budge. Then we heard the doorknob start to move and in a heartbeat just as fast as he was on me he wasn't. He was standing up beside the other bed looking at the door patiently as if I didn't exist.


A second later the door opened and in stepped Niall. He didn't even seem surprised that his curly haired friend was there. "Hey Harry." He said, and he walked over to his dresser. "You coming tonight?" He asked him. "Oh hey Louis." He said turning to smile at me.

I figured out that Niall was definitely the nicer one and Harry seemed completely rude and cocky. The other dark haired one I still didn't know so I wouldn't judge him. I may not be like them but I was smart enough to not judge someone just by the way they looked. Though Harry confirmed my suspicions, Niall was definitely not who I had thought him to be.

"Yeah obviously. Matt and Alexa will be there, Alexa's a good fuck." He stated with a casual shrug. My mouth fell open, how could he be so casual about something like that.

Niall just rolled his eyes and he turned towards me. "How bout you Lou?" Then he laughed. "That rhymed, but seriously you wanna come?"

My eyebrows rose in apprehension. "Go where?" I asked him.

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