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So this is kind of like little snippets of their lives and what happened to them...

Song of the chapter is Heart Attack by Enrique Iglesias! because it fit the chapter and what happened.

Leave your thoughts x, check out my new story The Bet!


Forgive because the person deserves to be forgiven, not because you want them back in your life.



It was in the moments where he would wake up the night after partying in a strangers bed with a familiar ache in his bum that he would regretted what he's done.

Though these feelings always left only moments after. Louis always pushed them to the back of his mind.

It was his fault that Louis was like this. His fault, and Louis hated him and refused to think of him.


With his mind "cleared" and his banking account down another thirty thousand pounds, he enrolled in one of London's universities.

His roommate did not have any tattoos or where black eyeliner and torn clothes. His roommate was a bland, pale looking guy named Alex who only ever talked to Louis on the subject of classes and careers.

Louis hated him, but he didn't stay in his dorm often. Instead of studying for classes and taking notes he'd be at a party some random kid told him about or that he'd heard in class.

Instead of thinking about where he's going to be at in a few years, he's giving blowjobs in dark rooms.

Was there ever an innocent Lou in the first place?

Or did Harry just bring out the true Louis?


His mom received complaints about Louis skipping school, and confronted him about it.

Louis was hungover and wasn't in the mood for his mom's words so ended up cussing her out to her horror.

"Behave yourself or I'm cutting you off!" She shouted, standing over his bed and glaring at him. Though inside she was worried sick about why Louis was acting like this.

"F.ck you! Cut me off damn it, I don't care anymore," Louis shouted back, his face turning into a grimace as he leaned forward to puke.

"Louis William Tomlinson! What has gotten into you?" she yelled.

"I said, f.ck off! Get the hell out of my life!" Louis screamed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

True to her word, his mum did cut him off, telling him that once he proved to be mature he should contact her.

He dropped out of the school as soon as the year ended, sending his drama teaching dream down the toilet.

He rented out some sh.tty apartment in Doncaster, miles away from London, and his mother. He didn't like it much because it was too quiet, and he could always hear himself think.

If he was being truthful he'd say he was scared of his own thoughts. Because one way or the other they lead back to Harry, to questioning their relationship. Mostly to questioning himself and what he could have done to be better for Harry.

So Louis tried not to think a lot.
He didn't let himself think to much about what he was doing, he wouldn't let himself think too much. If he thought to much it would lead to him thinking about the person that caused all this. The person that made Louis lose all care about anything in the world.

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