/32/ What Can You Do?/

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"Happy Lou Eve!" Niall shouted, jumping onto Louis' bed promptly waking the younger man up.

"Fuck, Niall." Louis mumbled, Niall's eyes widened. Sure he heard Louis swear but that was usually directed to harry, it was off just hearing Louis swear out of nothing. Guess some habits you just pick up, though he wasn't about to mention that to Louis anytime soon, it was his day!

"Here, and no it's not your Christmas present I got you something else for that," Niall told him while handing him a large white and gold box.

"You didn't have to Niall," Louis murmured still half asleep. He sat up, rubbing his eyes until Niall came fully into focus (well kind of) he reached over and grabbed his glasses. Niall placed the box on top of his lap, before leaping off to go to the bathroom.

Carefully Louis unwrapped the box, and he couldn't help but be shocked at what he found. It was a collection of stories from famous American and British authors. He flipped to the table of contents and his eyes lit up at all the familiar names. Louis loved all of these writers! How did Niall even know?

Making sure Niall was still in the bathroom, Louis grabbed his own large box underneath his bed. It was quite heavy and long, Niall had looked at it suspiciously when they had come home a few nights prior, but Louis ignored any question that came from him.

He placed it underneath the tree, quite frankly it was bigger than their small tree, but whatever. It was adorned with typical red and green paper.

Niall came out a moment later, his eyes wondered over to the box. "Don't, not until tonight," Louis told him. Niall's face fell but he shrugged and nodded. "By the way, thank you, how did you know?" He motioned to the large book in front of him.

"You're always talking about how much you love literature," Niall replied warmly. Louis' smile grew, he never felt so lucky to have Niall as a friend.

"What do you want to do today?" Niall asked.

"I dunno, let's watch some movies?" Louis replied.

"All right, go and find some, I'll go down to the food court and find some things," Niall told him.

Louis nodded and went over to their stash of movies (most belonging to Niall). He found some action ones but no Christmassy ones, he was about to give up when he found a small box near Niall's bed. There he found Disney movies, so many. Slightly surprised, he rummaged through them, chose Frozen, The Grinch (animated and non), and just for the fun of it Elf.

Niall came back just as Louis was putting the box back. His arms loaded with warm treats. "One of the reasons why I love this school," he said his grin growing. "Oh, and I brought a friend," Dylan showed up beside Niall, his arms loaded as well, but with two wrapped boxes.

"Hey Lou!" He said, and Louis noted the Christmas hat he was wearing with a chiming bell on top. Louis laughed and said hey back.

"Now, let's watch some movies," Niall shouted, closing the door behind them. Louis settled onto his bed, Dylan beside him and Niall wrapped himself up in his own bed.

Louis loved Christmas, but today he felt that so many things were missing.


It was later that day and the movies were done and Niall was asleep on his bed. Dylan and Louis were talking to each other, whispering so as not to disturb Niall.

"I'd usually be at my mums, but when she came we had a fall out and...I'm not ready to face her just yet," true, but Louis at least hoped she would have called, it was his birthday. Though he understand why she didn't, he had been so disrespectful to her, and for what? Nothing, that's what.

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