/7/Roof Top/

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"Harry stop." I said quietly. He pulled on my bottom lip but did pull away. He just kept his dark green eyes on me.

"Technically, we both lied." He said. "You lied about your age, I lied about how many people I brought to the house. It's done and over with it doesn't matter." He said with a careless shrug.

"It does though, I lied because I knew people like you would make fun of me more so if you found out I was so young. You lied, to get into my pants." I said the last part falling silent.

"I didn't though." He said. "I could have, easily, but I didn't. That has to count for something."

"But I just met you, I don't-I am knew to all of this. No one has ever wanted me like this. I have never done anything, you took my first kiss." At this I frowned, for years I imagined my first kiss to be some sappy love story but it wasn't, it was in my room with a guy I met a week ago. "I want to fall in love, be swept off my feet." I blushed darkly and looked down. "Not have careless sex." I finished off saying. I brought my fingers to his face. "Trust is a big issue, all my life thanks to my mother, I have been coddled from seeing and being around people like you. You lied to me the first chance you had, the little trust I had for you is gone, and it was a simple question. If I can't trust you with something like that, then what can I ever trust you with? However trust me when I say this, I will not willingly just let you or anyone else just take my -I guess- innocence, away." I told him. I brushed past his curls and waited for his response. He jerked back and stood up.

"Ever heard of having fun?" He asked his eyes a darker green.

"But I don't want to just do it and move on." I said blushing. "I want dates and I don't know stupid things." I said shrugging slightly.

"Yeah well I just wanted a good fuck." He said before he abruptly turned around and walked away. "And I will get it." He said as the door shut behind him.

I just shook my head and bit my lip.

What was I getting myself into?

My stomach decided to grumble and I looked at my phone. 4:56 pm. I decided now was any better chance to go an get food, then use the rest of the time to clear my head. I decided to just stay in the clothes for the rest of the night, I would be locked in my room. I grabbed a few notes smiling because apparently in America they were called 'bills', I walked down to the food court and realised I had not seen Niall since I incident earlier today. Being the only guy (besides Liam) to not hate on me I wondered where he was.

I looked at all the food court options. I decided to go to the one that held simple sandwiches. There were only a few other people in front of me, I looked around and recognised a few faces from the party.

"Hey." A voice said, I turned towards it and had to look up to look eyes with the black haired guy from the party. His eyes were a cold blue but nonetheless on my ethics I returned the greeting with a polite smile.

He looked me up and down his eyes staying further down then what I would have liked, I shifted uncomfortably and turned back to see it was my turn to order. As I reached to pay for it someone's hand beat me to it.

"You can pay me back later okay?" The blue eyed man said.

He grabbed the food on the plate and tilted his head for me to follow him. Quietly I did. He came to a more remote place around the corner of the food court. It was still part of it though because it held a few tables and booths but it was mostly empty except for three people occupying a table. We sat down at a booth, "Here." I said and I took out the money that I was going to use.

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