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A/n Short, sorry! Vote, comment, share, fan X

Dylan is hopefully in the media!



I fell asleep, alone in the cold room with millions of thoughts running through my mind. They were all revolving around one person.


His words seemed sincere, and his eyes shined with genuine. So he couldn't be lying? If he wanted sex, I covered my face with my hands at the thought, he could have gotten it already. So maybe he wanted more? I wanted more to do with him, he intrigued me. His voice and lips and smile, sending shivers of unknown emotions through me. Maybe it was because he was older, or just the way he treated me. Not when he was trying to get with me but the other times, making me feel wanted and needed.

Maybe that's why I found myself asking Niall for a ride to the party at 5 to 10. I know I told myself I wouldn't go to any more stupid parties but, I needed to know.

"You're going tonight?" He asked unsure.

He had been in the room since the late afternoon, he never questioned where I was, but maybe it was cause Harry already told him. But nonetheless like the week before he was getting ready to skip out for the night.

"Y-yes." I told him.

"Does Harry know?" He asked. I grew irritated.

"I don't need his p-permission." I said. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Alright, oh and I forgot to mention. Shane got expelled, which I found weird because..." He stopped talking and shrugged. "Anyways yeah, Harry is probably already there, so Zayn might be taking us alright?" He said.

"H-how did he get expelled?" I asked curiously.

Niall right out laughed at this. "The director of the school caught him fucking his daughter."

My eyes widened. "W-what?" I asked.

"Yup, weird right? Thought it would always be Harry to get expelled over that, then again he's not stupid enough to go to the girls house always does it in his apar-" He stopped talking.

I was tense. "Not my business what he does." I said brushing it off.

"Okay...well Liam is here so you coming?" He asked.

"Yeah. Lets go." I said quietly. He looked me up and down and smiled.

"Like that?" He asked. I was wearing a black sweater over a white shirt, with blue jeans. A grey beanie was placed on my messy brown hair. I glared at him.

"What is the problem with my clothes?" I asked him.

"Well Lou, it doesn't exactly scream 'ready to get wasted' does it?" He said bemused.

"I already said-"

"Yeah yeah I know. Wait here." He said and he walked over to his dresser. "Here wear this?" He asked and threw me a black shirt that was caught off at the shoulders.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause you have a fit body an you should show it off." He said. "And no I'm straight. I just know the facts."

I thought it over. "Can I wear my sweater over it?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes but nodded.

Then before I knew it we were walking out of the dorm building before any sense could make itself into my brain.

"He's coming?" Zayn said in distaste in the drivers seat.

I frowned. Liam rolled his eyes and gave me a shy smile.

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