/14/Thought So/

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Louis felt dirty and nauseas, he slowly got up from the bed, putting on his jeans as he did so.

Harry just left without even a second glance. Truth be told how did he think it would end? Harry would whisper sweet words while holding him in his arms?

As if.

But at the same time that could have happened, it has happened before.

Louis didn't hear any music come in through the door, a glance at the clock near the bed showed it was half past three. Was everyone gone?

He sniffled and wiped away his dried tears. Harry will not see him cry. Harry will not see how he makes Louis feel, broken and vulnerable. He will not let Harry see how he is truly affecting him.

He brushed his hair out of his eyes, and wiped the sweat off his forehead on his jeans. He found his beanie carelessly on the side of the bed, miraculously his glasses had survived the rough sexual event and were just slightly tilted.

Taking a deep and calming breath he made his way out of the door, surprise at the fact that there in fact was only a dull bass playing and people were lying carelessly on the floor, deep snores emitting from their mouths. The room was not as stuffed as before so how long exactly had he been in the room for?

Time seemed to have just slipped by.

However carefully over stepping the sleeping bodies, assuming everyone else who wasn't too drunk had probably gone home. Which brought back to his earlier question from weeks before...whose house was this? He (hours prior) assumed it was Alexa's, and that she was friends with the guys. (Probably cause she let them have sex with her anytime)

And yeah so what if Louis was trying to keep his mind busy and directing his anger towards someone else?

He heard laughing voices coming from the kitchen. He couldn't help but halt in his steps as he remembered the last occurrence he had in that kitchen. It hadnt ended well, and he was sure it would not end well now.

"Well look if it isn't Harry's bitch." He heard Zayn's crude voice say and people let out laughter.

He swallowed dryly and wanted to just sneak back away but he knew that would just show him being a child. He was not going to let them show their words got to him.

When he walked inside he felt their eyes on him and he didn't look down. He let his eyes land on each of their bemused faces, except for Liam who held nothing but pity. Louis didn't want pity he didn't want anything especially from them.

"Niall can you take me back to our dorm?" Louis asked his eyes landing on the other lads blue ones.

"No, can do sorry mate. Zayn brought us...ask him." Niall said his face showing clear sorry.

That was the last thing Louis wanted to do.

"I guess, I'll just walk."

"I'm pretty sure if you traded a ride for a blowjob with Harry he would take you home...maybe you already let him do both." Zayn said.

That was it.

Louis walked over to Zayn whose expression didn't change as the smaller lad came close to him.

Louis made his small hand into a fist and collided it with Zayn's perfectly sculpted cheek. "Shut up." Louis said through his teeth.

"You little brat. Harry should have put you in your place long ago." Zayn said standing up and tilting back the chair he had been sitting on.

Louis felt small as Zayn's larger angrier form towered over him. In moments Liam was by his side, placing a calming hand on his shoulder. The effect was almost instant, Zayn's whole posture changed from tense to slack as he looked at whoever touched him. Liam just shook his head and grabbed his hand and lead him away.

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