/34/Never Could/

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Media- so. Zayn left and I'm still here and I will always be here no matter what. I stand behind Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn, I stand behind our boys no matter what. lots and lots of love x

You guys! Fan me, please that would be Wicked! (Remember Wicked is good!)

warning: fluff c;


"Hate?" Harry asked quietly, pulling Louis on top of him.

Louis smiled down at him and slowly nodded. Harry leaned up and kissed him on his lips. Louis sighed, and leaned his head against Harry's chest, while Harry's arms wrapped around his waist. "Everyone's going to think I'm stupid, and I am. I'm so so stupid," Louis mumbled.

Harry traced circles against Louis' skin at the back of his waist underneath his shirt. "You're not stupid,"

Louis snuggled his head closer against Harry, "I hated it when you weren't around and the fact that you didn't call, or try to, even though I said I never wanted to see you. Mostly, I hate the way I don't hate you...not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."

Harry looked at the snuggled Louis on his chest, and kissed his forehead. "Happy Birthday Lou," he whispered.

"We'll be okay, right Harry?" Louis mumbled, a small yawn escaping his lips.

"If you try, I try," Harry answered.

"No more lies?"

"No more,"


"Never again,"

A faint smile appeared on Louis' sleepy face, and he listened to Harry's heartbeat before he fell into a deep sleep.


"You're going to f'cking hurt him again," someone shouted, Louis' eyes fluttered open, and he saw that he was on Harry's large bed, but Harry wasn't in the room. Standing up, he began to make his way out before there was another loud, familiar, shout. "No, Harry, f'ck you, you're always lying, and you expect me to believe you're finally going to change? Honestly, save your bull for someone who'll believe, where's Louis? I'm here to take him home, you know, after you f'cked every other relationship he had with others," Niall was shouting, at an angry looking Harry.

"Believe what you want Niall, like I give a damn about what you think, just don't go running off to my little brother," Harry shouted back. Louis made his presence known, and Harry's face immediately softened when their eyes met.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry love," Harry said, and Niall grunted in disgust.

"Lou, you can't do this, not again. Honestly, it didn't work out the first time? The second time? You think he isn't lying this time, I know Harry and I know he lies no matter what. I don't want to see you getting hurt, come on Lou, you were doing so much better," Niall said turning to Louis.

Louis didn't say anything for a long time, with Harry and Niall looking at him expectantly, he was at a slight loss for the right words to say. "No, I wasn't getting better. If anything I was getting worse, and you don't think I don't know that? You don't think I don't know he could hurt me again? I can't live without him though Niall, I just can't, I need him with me. I rather be happy with him by my side than spend the night crying and wishing he was with me. I don't care anymore if he hurts me. Let him, I don't care, I'm done trying to refuse to have the one thing that has made me happy," Louis told him. He walked to Harry and took his hand, and Harry looked at him softly.

Niall shook his head, he looked like he was going to say something but instead sighed and looked away before he finally looked back at Louis. "Are you sure?"

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