Chapter 37

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Kim's POV

"Come on let's go to the mall, girl" Lethal said snapping his fingers. I kept blinking to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Lethal woke me up and told me to take a shower, I did that even though I wasn't sure why.

"Come again" I said.

"Let's go to the mall, we don't have all day" he said.

"And Tim agreed to this?" I asked.

"Of course girl" he said snapping his fingers, again.

"Could you stop acting like you are gay and be serious" I snapped.

"Okay, I know you are getting agitated with staying inside all the time. So I spoke to Tim and he agreed on us going to the mall" he said.

"Okay let's go" I said.

We went to the mall. To be honest I really needed it. Lethal and I kept arguing about my choice of clothing, okay just the fact that I was buying black clothes.

"Try this pink beautiful jersey" he said and I shook my head, "but I thought girls like pink" he said bewildered and I chuckled. I found a nice black crop top and put it on the pile of clothes. "No offense Kim but I think that shirt is a little too small for you"

"No it's not" I laughed.

"But it's probably for seven year olds" he said.

"You know nothing about female clothing, don't you?" I said and he shrugged. "Well it's a crop top, a shirt that only covers your breast area and leaves your stomach uncovered" I tried to explain and he looked even more confused than before.

"Then why don't you just wear a bra" he exclaimed. He had a point.

"It's not the same" I sighed.

"Girls are so confusing" he shouted earning glares from the other customers. "What the fuck are you looking at!"

Everyone quickly looked away and carried on with what they were doing. I made Lee pay for my clothes then dragged him out of the shop. We went to the food court after that.

"Let's get KFC!" he cheered.

"No let's go to MacDonald's I hate KFC" I said.

"Who hates Kentucky?" he said and I looked at him with a duh look. "But KFC is cheaper" he whined. I won though and we went to MacDonald's with me grinning with triumph.

"Hello sir" a waitress said greeting Lethal once we sat down. Lee was still mad about the whole KFC thing so he scoffed in response and the waitress frowned.

"Hey" I said. But she totally ignored me.

"Can I get you anything sir?" she asked flicking he wig with her hands, I think that's a healthy hazard.

"We'll get two Big Macs" I answered, once again she ignored me. Biitch.

"Big Macs? Are you serious?" Lee exclaimed.

"Yes" I said giving him a look that said say something I dare you. With that he kept quiet and mumbled something about being bankrupt because of me. I looked at the waitress with a stern look. "now could you stop trying to flirt with this idiot and do you job"

She quickly went away nodding and Lethal mumbled something about him not being an idiot. Such an idiot.


We were finally back from the mall and I was tired. Lethal made me drop my bags by the door and held my hand. He was smiling so hard it was creeping me out. He then led me to the living room only it wasn't a living room anymore, my friends and the Vandals were there. The room was beautiful. There were chairs on both sides of the room and in the middle was a red carpet, if it's actually called a red carpet when there are no celebrities. In the front was an alter and Tim was standing there. I was so confused.

"It's your wedding" Lee whispered. I looked around once more. I looked at Dee who was dramatically wiping away tears. My eyes then landed on Tim who was wearing a suit and looked as handsome as ever. I remembered what I said yesterday about getting married to him, he actually took it serious.

I smiled as I walked towards him with a bright smile on my face and my uncle Lethal by my side. Lethal handed me over to Tim and then he walked to were the pastor should be. Tim was nervous and I could feel his hands shaking.

"Uh, I know this is not really the real thing and you probably think it's a joke" he said whispering and I gasped dramatically.

"You are saying my wedding is a joke" I said and smiled at him and he returned my smile. "Now shut up you ruining my moment. You look handsome by the way"

"Okay let us start the ceremony" Lethal said. "Okay I really don't know what to do, I'm not a pastor. But I do know three things, you guys have to say your vows first. Tim you start because you probably had the whole day to think about this"

"I have loved you for so long, at first I didn't know it was love I just always found myself thinking about you as the girl from the class next door. It led me to going to school everyday so that I could see you during lunch. And I was so happy we in the same class when we started high school. I was afraid to approach you because I thought you would reject me, but now I know I was just being a coward like Vic said. You are kind and understanding. You do not judge people. And you love unconditionally. These few months with you have been the best, I am blessed to have a beautiful angel like you. I love you Kimberly Martin" he said. There were a few awws from the audience probably my friends. I was on the verge of tears but they were happy tears.

"Kim your turn" Lee said like he was about to cry himself.

"To be honest, I hated you especially when you ignored me that one time when I tried speaking to. Then the next you were at my door step with a stab wound. You scared the shit out of me, and I'm still wondering how you knew where I live. But because of that we started talking, I'm so glad you got stabbed. I'm glad for all the bad things that happened to us because they all led to me and you, like a blessing buried in the broken pieces. I'm grateful for the time we spent together and the many more years to come. I love you Timothy Storm" I said.

"How do pastors do this?" Lee asked almost sobbing. "Put on the rings" he ordered. There were beautiful rings and while Tim put on mine on my finger I vowed to myself to never take it off.

"Now the second thing I know is that the pastor asks if someone is against the marriage but I'm not asking that bullshit, so for the last thing I know. You may suck each other's faces" Lethal said.

Tim grinned and leaned closer. Our lips touched and I felt the electricity all over me. Our little audience cheered as we kissed. We pulled away from each other smiling.

Damn how I love him.

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