Chapter 26

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Date number two. Hoped no one gets arrested this time or I meet another uncle. I was wearing my usual black clothes, black jeans, black crop top and black jacket because it was a little cold.

"Happy Valentine" Dee shouted getting in.

"Say that to your boyfriend" I said.

"I will" she said wiggling her eyebrows. Dee always has a Valentine boyfriend just for the gifts then ignores the guy's existence the following day.

"Who's the boyfriend this year?" I asked.

"I don't know his name" she shrugged. Poor guy.

"I have to go to my date" I said.

"Good luck, my boyfriend for today is picking me up here" she said.

"Okay, but please don't do anything on my bed" I warned.

"I would never do that" she said offended.

"Do I have to remind you of what you and Phoenix used to do?"

"Have fun on your date Kimberly"

I tend to.


"Where are we going?"

"Hey and happy Valentine's day to you too angel" Tim said ignoring my question not that I blame him it's the first thing I said to him.

"Now that we are done with the greeting and shit, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise"

"Come on where are we...."

"Can you love birds get in I have better things to do" Lethal said cutting me off. I guess he is our driver today, good to see that Tim learnt his lesson from last time. Tim sat in the front that meant I was alone at the back.

"Uncle Lethal" I said. As Lethal started driving.

"My one and only niece" he replied. I stood up from my seat and leaned to the front so that I can see both their faces, I then planted a kiss on Lethal's face and whispered a little happy Valentine's day.

"Why didn't I get that?" Tim exclaimed and Lethal smirked.

"So Lethal since you are driving, do you know where we are going?" I said.

"Yep" he replied popping up the 'p' .

"Where are we going?" I asked eagerly.

"I'm not telling, Tim made me swear not to" Lethal said. I looked at the smirking Tim and glared at him.

Two hours later we arrived and I have never been so eager to get out of a car. All the way Lethal had been trying to sing Whitney Houston's I will always love you, over and over. It's a painful sight to see and a very excruciatingly painful sound to hear. If I thought Vic could not sing I was wrong.

"See you later love birds" he said in a singing voice.

"The only Lethal weapon here is your voice, it's deadly" I mumbled getting out while rubbing my ears.

"See you later, man" Tim said to Lethal. He put one arm around my neck and led me to a gift shop.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"We are buying you a camera" he stated.

"What for?"

"You'll see. Choose a camera" he said grinning. I chose a beautiful shiny black camera with a strap and Tim paid for it and we got out.

"Thank you" I said snapping a picture of Tim and another and another.

"Are you taking pictures of me" he said coming closer to me.

"No" I replied snapping another one.


"I'm just testing if it works" I said. Snap.

"Come on" he said gesturing to a huge gate, I didn't notice it earlier. It was written Cape Town Safari Park. I snapped a picture moving forward. We got in Tim paid for something and led me to a vehicle. The vehicle had a Zebra print, it looked familiar.

"Hello my name is Brian and I will be your ranger today" Brian said.

"I'm Tim and this is my girlfriend Kim"

"Okay guys hope in" Brian said. We started driving and I saw a sign written do not get out of the car. Then the wild came into view. I gasped not because I was amazed but because I just remembered something.

"Tim have you ever watched Prey?" I asked.

"No but I'm guessing it's a horror movie. You have that look in yours you get when you think something from a horror is going to happen to you" he said.

"Well, this time I think I'm right. The movie is something about a family being stuck in the park surrounded by hungry lions and the ranger who is also Brian dies" I said dramatically

"I know that movie, does it star Bridget Moynaham" Brian said.

"I believe it's Bridget Moynahan but yes that's the one" I said happy that someone else knows.

"Nice movie" Brian said.

"So you are not at all afraid for your life?" I said and they both chuckled.

I took a lot of pictures of Giraffes, Zebras, elephants, rhinos, leopards even lions. I ended up taking pictures of Tim and I making funny faces. Our tour ended a little before dark and we were in one piece and alive, although it would have been cool walking away covered in blood and a burning vehicle in the background like the movie but anyways I'm glad we were safe.

"Are you hungry?" Tim asked.


We walked to a tiny cafe and ordered a single pizza so that we can share.

"Why do you love horror movies when you are so paranoid?" Tim asked.

"They keep me on the look out, I never let my guard down. I'll know when the Zombie apocalypse is coming and I'll be ready"

"When the Zombies arrive I will be there to protect you" he said chuckling.

"You better"

"Yeah I'll always be with you no matter what, I will never leave you" he said.

"You promise?" I asked.

"I promise"


A/N: If you do not know Prey you must watch the movie, I recommend it.

Thank you for reading ❤️

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