Chapter 7

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"I think we should hang out, it's been a long time since we did" Chloe said.

I hate Mondays, who doesn't? I barely  made it out of bed. I felt like a Zombie. My friends had been discussing that we should meet up and hang out, ever since schools opened we hadn't hung out.

"Maybe we can go to the mall" Chantel suggested.

After we all agreed that the mall is a good idea we went to our classes, with the C's (Chloe and Chantel) going on another direction and us going to business class.

We walked in class and Tim was already there. What a surprise.

"Hey friend" I said sitting next to him.

"Hey" he looked up "friend".

Before anything else was said the teacher walked in and told us to continue with our assignment. That's exactly what I was planning to do. I took out the papers and looked at Tim. He looked at me confused.

"You are clearly not thinking I'll do the assignment in class right?" he asked. What's wrong with that?

"I'm not thinking you will do the assignment, because you will do the assignment" I said.

"That's like ruining my image" he said. I looked at him with the "really" look.

"Well I wouldn't want to ruin you image" I mused.

He is full of shit. Why did he care about what others think? Everyone is doing their assignment.

"Are you angry?" he asked. Hell yeah I'm angry.

"No I'm not" I said hiding my face so he doesn't see my eyes. He chuckled.

"I'm sorry" he apologized. That's nice I guess.

"But I won't do it, what would the girls think they won't want to sleep with a nerd" he said. Wtf. I don't know what made me angry about that statement, I knew he was a man whore. I guess I didn't expect him to say something like that to my face. Asshole.

He looked at me like he was expecting something and he had a smile, a freaking smile on his handsome face. Cancel handsome.

"What's wrong, friend?" he asked. Was he teasing me? He clearly didn't know what I was capable of. Even I don't know what I'm capable of but that's besides the point.

"You are a jerk and a slut" I said not looking at him.

"Ouch, maybe if I had a girlfriend I wouldn't have to sleep around" he said.

"That is not a bad idea" I said turning to look at him.

"Would you find one for me?" he said with a pout, a fake one I must add. What game was he playing at? I just had to play along.

"Ok what kind of girl do you want, describe your ideal girlfriend" I said and he smirked.

"She must be beautiful" I rolled my eyes.

"She must have long hair" he said.

"Beautiful eyes" he said.

"Great personality, crazy in a good way, kind and caring, someone I can relate to, intelligent and she must love me for the real me not the bad guy everyone knows" he finished looking me straight in the eyes. If that was not a romantic scene from a movie I don't know what is.

The guy practically described me except for the last part, I do not love him.

"That would be hard to find but my friend Nat is a good start" I said and he frowned. I guess Nat was not the one.

The bell rang at that moment and I stood up like I was on fire and went straight to the door.

The whole day at school I spent thinking about him that shall not be named. I can't have feelings for him.

I don't know him that well to have feelings for him, that was my new motto.

Besides the whole thing would be to cliche, bad boy and the good girl in a relationship. And yes I just said I'm a good girl.

But Tim is not a bad boy he just putting on an image, a voice said it was practically screaming. I hate that voice, it seemed like it was screaming louder than the other voice.

Besides Kim doesn't love, yeah I don't. That's why I'm still a virgin, never kissed anyone before and certainly never been in a relationship. I always give relationship advices to my friends, good advices for that matter. I consider myself a coach because coaches don't play they watch the game, figure out the problem then come with a solution or advice.

My friends and I agreed to meet at the at the mall, since we'll be in different taxis anyway. Dee and I arrived first and I was telling her about my conversation with Tim.

"Maybe he likes you" she said.

"Who likes Kim?" someone asked from behind us. We turned and saw it was Nat. The C's were with her and the three of them looked at us for an answer.

"Who finally had the guts to approach Kim?" Chantel said.

Believe it or not boys were afraid to speak to me, I thought it was strange but my friends said it was because they are intimidated by my beauty. I really didn't mind though seeing I also didn't want a relationship and them not approaching me worked to my advantage. Before eighth grade a lot of boys would try their luck and it was annoying.

Dee explained to them what happened and they all seemed to agree with her assumption that Tim may like me. And I made it clear that he doesn't.

After that we just went around the mall trying on clothes that we weren't even planning on buying, that annoying the workers and some customers but we'll just laugh them off.

We eventually got tired and hungry and headed to the food court. We each bought a pizza and drinks. We may be girls but we eat more than most boys.

We had a good time like we always do.
And the day ended with us outside the mall watching the sky as it darkened. It was great being around my friends even though I would have to face the devil in about an hour at work, I was happy.


A/N: Thank you for reading ❤️

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