Chapter 22

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Tim's POV

It was five o'clock pm on a Friday and my gang was back home trying to fight the Palestines without their leader. I was trying so hard to keep my freak out in. But Vic on the other hand was freaking out. We heard the Palestines will sabotage my territory so that they can gain part of it, there was no way my gang would handle sabotage on their own, because the Palestines sabotage is not the one Vic always suggests like chasing them around with eggs. They actually do damage like burning down shops and this time the building in their way was the school. Yes I have burnt half the school before but I don't want them burning the rest.

"Could you guys just tell us what's going on?" the net asked, looking very confused along with Kim, the letter D and the asshole.

"The gang is going to lose today, because I'm not there. I'm Victor and I lead them to Victory and without me there is no victory".

"Shut up Vic. Have a little hope on them they might win" I said.

"And you sound very hopeful" Vic said sarcastically. "I suggested sabotage a long time ago and you didn't listen"

"Just keep quiet man"

"See you are not listening now" he said. "Listen, I'm all alone at the crossroads I'm not at home in my own home, and I've tried and tried to say what on my mind, you should have known. Oh now I'm done believing you, you don't what I'm feeling, I'm more than what you've made of me, I followed the voice you gave to me now I've got to find my own. You should have listened......"

"Vic you can't sing, just stop"

"Poor Beyonce, she gave birth to a beautiful song only for it to die in Vic's mouth.

"My poor ears, man you have no talent"

"You sound like a dying cow, Chipmunks sing way better than you"

The others all groaned at Vic's terrible singing, I'm used to it so I'm a little immune. But you can't control the shudder that comes with it, like something just crawled up your back. "You guys all jealous because I have a beautiful voice, maybe even better than Justin Bieber's".

"Jealous? Even a parrot wouldn't dare try to imitate you" Kim said and Vic scoffed.

"So are you guys going to tell us what's up?" the net said.

"Nat they will tell us if they want to" the letter D said. My phone rang and Vic stood up immediately looking at me. I looked at the caller ID and Jake's name. He's in the gang.


"It's bad Tman very bad" the voice on the other end said.


"The Palestines are dragging burning car tyres towards us, there are a lot of them it seems like they have expanded. We are standing firm and we won't bail Tman but I don't think we can handle it we were already out numbered as is"

"I'll make a plan"

"How Tman you are miles away?" he said and I could hear noise from the other side. And before he was cut off he said "they are here Tman".

I stood up on my feet trying to stay as calm as possible.

"What's going on?" Vic asked but I ignored him and quickly dialed in a number, it rang twice.

"Lethal weapon speaking"

"Lethal I need a favor man" I said.

"You already owe me a favor Undertaker"

"Yeah I know but I need you to get your gang and go to Milton high and help out my gang they are in trouble"

"Nah I don't want to"

"Lethal" I said sharply

"Ok ok you didn't have to beg. Lethal weapon to the rescue" he said and cut the call.

If there's some one I know that can come through it's Lethal. I go to his gang when I'm low on cash, I do one gig and lay low, unlike them. They have guns that they use, I have a gun too but it's not in use. I may do a lot of illegal stuff but murder is not one of them.

"Lethal?" Kim said.

"Yeah" I said.

"He's a crazy son of a bitch" Kim said smiling, I almost forgot she met the guy. By the look in her I could tell she said what she said in a good way. That's exactly what Lethal does, he is a nice, funny and crazy but don't be in his bad side. He doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger nor stab you.

"She has met this Lethal guy but I haven't, I thought I was your best friend Tim" Vic whined.

"Of course I've met him, he's my uncle" Kim said amused. I laughed at the uncle part, it was just a lie we came out with to cheat the police.

"Wow small world huh" Vic said scratching his neck. "So Tim what's next"

"We wait"

And we waited, with four other confused people. But something told me Kim wasn't as confused as the others. It was eight o'clock and it's usually the time when we are all wasted at the victory party. Something was wrong, clearly. My nerves were getting the best of me but Kim's hand rubbing my shoulder made me calm nonetheless. My phone rang and I hesitantly picked it up.

"We got there a little to late and the most damage was done, like uh the school hall burnt down and the fire fighters are still trying to put out the rest of the flames" Lethal said, there was more to it, I knew it. Lethal was never really a bearer of bad news.

"Lethal freaking talk man"

"You have a dead soldier and three wounded. They burnt him to death Tim and the wounded three went in to help but ended up being stabbed. Like I said we got there late and the other gang had already fled the scene. There was a lot of smoke, fire, screams and sirens. I swear I haven't seen so much chaos since the last gig we had..."

I'm sure he kept talking but I cut the call. I felt numb and devastated. My heart dropped and the guilt I felt was unbearable. The whole atmosphere in the room changed and I could tell the others felt it as well. None of them spoke.

"The school hall burnt down" I said dryly and my voice breaking a little. They all looked shocked but not as much as JJ, the others have experienced this before. "And three Vandals were stabbed....and one he was .....burnt to death"

They all slowly took in the news and started reacting in different ways.

"No no no no" Vic said angrily and on the verge of tears. He started shaking furiously and tears started rolling down. JJ moved closer to him and engulfed him in a hug, Vic hugged him back and started crying. Something was off with those two, but I'm glad Vic had a shoulder to cry on. Kim came closer to me, carefully looking at me with blue eyes.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

No I'm not. I'm angry, furious even. I feel guilty it's all my fault. I want to hunt down every single Palestine and slit their throats that's what I wanted to say but instead I nodded and sat down, feeling like my feet could give up on me any second. Kim sat on top of me and hugged my neck and buried her head on my shoulder that I could slightly feel her lips on my neck. We all sat there in devastating silence.

"Everyone start packing something happened at your school so you are all going back early tomorrow morning" Jane said, she really forgot how to knock. No one paid attention to her but we all heard, we were in the same position and states besides the fact that Vic had calmed down in JJ's arms. "Why do I get the feeling that you already knew...... you know what, whatever just pack buses will be here at six am".


A/N: ARGH camp is over they are going back as miserable as ever😢

Thank you for reading ❤️

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