Chapter 6

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Kim's POV

"Let's watch a movie Kim" Dee said.

"Which one" I looked at her.

"Juice!" we both said and laughed.

"Juice it is then" I said already playing the movie.

Watching movies on a Saturday had become a tradition to me and Dee. Juice was the first movie we watched together, we cry a lot when Raheem dies and it never gets old.

Right in the middle of my favorite scene where they are in Steel's house, and Bishop(Tupac) was going all crazy my phone rang.

I looked at the screen 'unknown number' should I answer, probably not.

"Answer the damn phone Kim!" Dee shouted. Probably because my ringtone was too loud and she couldn't hear the television.

"Woah no need to eat me" I said but she ignored me so I just answered the damn phone "Hello".

"Hey" a voice said.

Not what I expected but maybe serial killers also say hey I mean they are people too. How should I approach this upsetting a serial killer is not a good idea.

"Uh sir" that was respectful enough "sorry but I think you have the wrong number" that was polite maybe he would rethink killing me.

"Kim". O.M.GEE it knew my name. Goodbye cruel world.

"Please sir you don't have to kill me" I said breathing out loud and Dee was shocked looking at me with wide eyes.

I expected two things from the serial killer, it was either he would say he was going to kill me anyway or he would leave me alone. But this one laughed. Did it mean I was forgiven or it was an evil laugh saying you don't know what's coming for you.

"Kim it's Tim, you gave me your number yesterday remember" he said. I felt like a fool.

"Yeah I knew it was you all along" I lied through my teeth and I knew he couldn't see my eyes.

"Liar" he said.

"Prove it" I said cockily.

"Why would you think I was a murderer?" he said clearly ignoring what I said.

"Because that's what happened in scream" I said truthfully this time.

"The movie?" He asked amused.

"Yes" I said.

"You know it's a movie right" he laughed.

"Movies are made to teach us you can't go around answering your phone when you don't know who's calling it may lead to you being stabbed to death" I said.

"Yet you answered me" he said.

"And I regret it" I said.

"You said movies teach us right?" he asked.

"Yeah" I answered. Where is this going?

"Have you watched fifty shades of grey?" he asked.

Yes I have, the whole trilogy, but I'm not admitting that to him.

"I'll take your silence as a yes, what did the the movie teach you?" he asked. Oh no he didn't, well two can play that game.

"I learnt that we can find love in mysterious ways and sometimes opposite attracts. Christian was a sadist and Anna was so full spirited but yet they found a compromise and be happy together" I said.

"Oh uh, yeah that's another way of avoiding that their first break up was based on the fucking they did in the Red room slash play room" he said and I could hear the smirk behind his voice.

"I'm sure sex is the reason you watched the movie, anyways I'm also sure you didn't call to discuss fifty shades of grey" I said.

"I just wanted to see how you are doing we agreed on a friendship remember" he said.

Yes I remember yesterday I got to know him more. We realized we have somethings in common.

"Yes I do remember, my friend" I said smiling "I'm doing great and you?"

"I'm good, what you doing?" he asked.

"Watching a movie with Dee, you?" I said.

"Jus smoking and bored" he said.

We spoke for about another half hour and after we decided that we will talk later then ended the call, I smiling from ear to ear. And Dee was looking at me with a smile on her face. I completely forgot about her.

"What?" I said.

"My best friend is in love" she said smiling.

"I don't love Tim" I denied.

"Mm ok if you say so but your eyes are singing a different song" she said.

I'm not in love I have never thought of Tim like that. There is no such thing as love anyways. It doesn't exist, right?

I spent my last remaining hours before I had to go to work watching Titanic.

"Dee I have to go are you spending the night here?" I asked.

"Nah I have to go home, remember church tomorrow and be safe in that club" she said leaving.

If I had a choice I wouldn't have worked there but I had to pay my rent and buy food, sometimes I really couldn't believe that the person that made me work at a club at the age of sixteen is my Aunt. But that's what it is some people are just cruel and life is unfair.

It had been two hours of  taking orders from drunk men and pushing some of them off me, story of my Life *sigh*. The two headed monster entered, a slimy venomous snake is what she is.

She was probably in her late thirties or early forties but she resembled a seventy years old witch. She wasn't really intimidating just a short woman who owned a tavern, but man were terrified of her. I remember her having a husband once but the man disappeared into thin air never to be seen again. Rumors say she did it. But nobody was brave enough to file a missing person report. You messed with her you messed with the devil. I don't know how the crook society worked but I knew she was in the top ranks.

"How is my niece doing?" she cackled.

Breathe in and out Kim, she didn't deserve my reaction nor attention.

"I asked how you are doing freak" she said.

You are no freak Kim. If there is one thing I remember from my parents was that I was not a curse but a gift, not a freak but a very special human being. Black people in the community believed in witchcraft especially the adults, so it took a long time for them to adjust to my eyes. They probably thought that I might shift and become Godzilla or something. Some parents even warned their kids not to go anywhere near me cause you never know what my eyes might do. It was hilarious to me really and I never cared about what they assumed.

"Insolent child" she spat.


"Why don't you die already like your parents" she fired.

That was it.

"Nobody is going to make it out of this life alive, so while you are wishing death upon me you might be the one to die" I said in a monotone voice.

"You have no future, little bitch" she said and left.

Isn't life just great.

A/N: So what do you think?

Thank you for reading ❤️

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