41: Breaking point

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Staring out the window made me feel sleepy as it seemed as though we had been driving for an awfully long time. In fact, I noticed his driver slowed down more than when we left the house.

Adrien had been silent for some time and busy on his phone, talking to whoever it was on the other side and it mostly seemed to be a business call.

"So Riley." He suddenly called out of the blue and I glanced at him with raised brows. "Your birthday is in four days?" He asked and I nodded slowly. "What will you do then?"

"Nothing." I point out and lean into the car seat. "I don't celebrate my birthdays."

"Well I will. I'll take you out to an amazing place. Trust me, you will love it." He said with a smirk on his face and I frowned at him.

"What do you want, Adrien? I honestly thought you were here for an interview with me. But I can't really see that." I said and he chuckled out a bit as he clicked his tongue..

"Well I was sure I couldn't get past that self defense of yours. But it's alright. I just wanted to speak to you for the first time. Probably hoping I could play my cards right and have you for mine at my first try." He explained and I laughed out mockingly.

"You can't be serious right?" I asked only to notice him frown. "I'm not a one time girl. The first boy I've liked at first glance was a boy I have no intent on telling you his name."

"Peter and Ash, is it?" He asked as he frowned even more whilst throwing a leg over the other and folding his arms across his chest. "I'm aware of them. Especially Ash. However, that won't become a wall to the fact that I find you excruciatingly attractive to me." He gave a dirty smirk to which I cringed my nose to. "By the way, so that I can actually know you isn't the fact that I saw you on social media. Your father insisted we met and I didn't have any intent to. Up until I saw your pictures all over the media platform and all the things you can do. It drove my wild." He whispered and I stared in a bit of shock.

Why can't the universe give me and Ash a break?

"I'm already with Ash." I said and he chuckled a bit, glancing at the spot beside me but didn't move from his.

"I know your relationship. It's really fragile. Especially Ash's side." He said then glanced somewhere else. "So you have to breakup with him and be mine instead."

"What makes you think I'll do that?" I asked, getting a bit angry that he would belittle Ash to that extent.

"Or else I'll literally destroy him. I can snoop out all his secrets and reveal them. Don't worry. I'll break him slowly and before you know it, he'll hand you over before things get worse for him. Trust me, your father wants me with you and I gladly accept his blessing on our future together." He smirked and I felt sick in the stomach just staring at him.

"You sound like an evil obsessed villain." I deadpanned and he softened his expression, smiling apologetically.

"Anything for my princess."



"So, something's just need to be made with cheese and without it it tastes like cardboard honestly." Ash spoke of something I completely did not know as I faded back into the glimpse of reality.

It wasn't my fault that I did not know whether I had to tell Ash or not. Peter on the other hand sat just across from me and completely absorbed in his phone as Sarah talked animatedly about something with Ash.

It was strange how Ash forgave Peter, though not entirely, but he sometimes talks to him and kind of reduced his bullying on Peter for the sake of me.

I didn't like it when they fought. Especially if it has to do with me.

"Riley?" Ash asked and I blinked a few times before glancing at him in awe. "What would you prefer?"

"Uh... Cheese?" I asked and he rolled his eyes at me with a small smirk plastered on his face.

"I didn't really ask you anything. That just shows you aren't paying attention." He pointed out and I shrugged my shoulders as I lifted the juice box to my lips and sipped on the straw. Taking in the heavily concentrated Mango juice. "So how was it with Adrien?"

"Who's Adrien?" Sarah asked as she glanced at me with a questioning glance and smirk to which I glared at her.

"Adrien Hawks." Ash replied for me and she chocked on her juice, grabbing Peter's instant attention. "The same Adrien Hawks we all know."

"Wow!" She exclaimed in shock. "You met the Adrien Hawks!? Why didn't you tell me?" She banged her fists against the table, nearly forcing the straw into my throat as the elbow resting on the cafe table propelled upwards.

"He asked me out during evening hours." I said. "Out of the blue."

"You guys have been talking?" She asked and I shook my head as I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"No. No. Just a sudden chat." I cleared my throat and began to stuff my face with the chicken sandwich.

"What did he talk about? You being featured in his new clothes line or being part of his company. With that big brain of yours I wouldn't doubt it." She asked intensively and I sighed out a bit.

"No." I glared at her to stop asking and she grinned even worse. "None of that."

"You don't want to tell us." Ash concluded and I blushed as I turned to face him. "You look like you're about to die out and get dragged into hell."

"I... Its not like I don't want to tell you." I cleared my throat only to glance away when I locked eyes with Peter. "It's just very uncomfortable for me."

"Does he like you?" Sarah just had to say it and with Ash staring and reading my every move, it was near to impossible to conceal the evidence hidden in my face.

His eyebrows slowly rose into a 'oh, so that's what it is' look. He looked away and down at his tray of food, making me even more nervous to tell him when I was sure he was a bit angry about it.

"Oh crap!" Peter suddenly exclaimed as he sprung to his feet. "I forgot to return a book this afternoon! Sarah, could you escort me? I need someone to lie that I was sick. You know, return polices." He sighed as he smacked his head then glanced down at me through his new orange large framed glasses. "Sorry I'm stealing her. No offense but you can't even tell a lie Riley." He chuckled as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Wow. Offense taken. At maximum." Sarah growled at Peter who gave her a boyish smile. "See you after classes Riley." She waved as they set off and I was a hundred percent sure Peter didn't have a book to return. He doesn't borrow books.

That much I know.

He wanted to give me and Ash a little space to talk about Adrien.

Tight Strings: Rules Were Made To Be Broken (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now