Chapter 20 - A Queen's Offer

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// Sorry for that mini break, I am currently redoing my bedroom which will take a couple of weeks or so. 

Addison's POV

I felt my Queen pull away from me, making me breath out heavily. I have given in, that's for sure and she knew. Just about I was to turn around to face my fate, Vanessa got ahead as she picked me up and placed me down onto the soft mattress. I was beginning to feel sweaty after an hour of fighting with myself. A part of me wanted more, but the other part of me wanted to escape and live freely. I realised that I was refusing to look at my mate, which told me that I was actually still fighting without my brain realising.

"I love you, my little flower. Don't you love me back?" she asked me, leaning her head down to lick her bite mark that she had just made. "I don't know, my Queen. I think I do..." I replied, my mind fuddled with as I was still fighting to look at my mate. She was giving me some soft kisses up to my jaw now, making me breathe heavy once more. Her eyes were the most scariest things I have ever saw in my life. They were a solid purple, glowing in the darkness. 

"You just looked at me, my little flower. There is no point in fighting anymore." my mate told me. What? No I didn't...shit.

"Hi..." I found myself saying to her, being shy for some stupid reason. Fuck! I was doing so well. 

"Kiss me, my little flower." she then said, using a commanding tone on me mixed with seduction in there as well. I wrapped my arms around my Queen's neck before my lips met hers immediately. We both let out a couple of small moans as our tongues joined in with the unfair fun. Yes, I did say that this was unfair. She used her incredible fangs on me...and I wanted her to do it again. 

I then suddenly watched my mate pull away before removing something which was a robe, of course. I licked my dry lips at her, trying to be seductive back. She then giggled at me, finding it hilarious. "You cannot seduce me. That's my job..." she purred at me which made my stomach flip a few times. "I want you to bite me again, my Queen." I told her before I tilted my head back for her. I then felt her cold fingers go down the surface of my throat, her eyes landing on the mark that she made a week ago.

"How about this, my little flower. I want you to rule with me..."


"But. I also want you to have a pair of these beauties." I heard her finish her offer, which made me look up to see that she was grinning at me, purposely exposing her fangs. Oh. She was referring to them...

"So, my little flower. What is your choice?" she asked me. She then sat cross legged at the bottom of my feet, patiently waiting for me to reply. I slowly sat up...before I closed my eyes and began to think this one out. But I knew what my answer was already...

So, I began to make my way towards my mate, with my eyes closed. I then felt her cold hands touch my cheeks and I felt her lean in...her breath just touching my neck. "Are you double sure?" she asked me in a whisper. 

"Yes, my Queen. I want to be turned by you." 

She pressed her lips against my neck, before I felt her fangs slowly ease themselves in which made me groan softly. The pain wasn't that bad...until it shot right through me. 

I quickly began to lose consciousness, the venom taking its time to turn me into my own nightmare. "It's okay, my little red flower. I will be right here when you first wake up as a vampire. I promise..."

And I was out within seconds after listening to my mate.  

I wasn't dead...I was becoming more alive...

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