Chapter 12 - Feeling Different

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// IMPORTANT: Since next week (This week now) is the funeral week, I will be taking the whole week off writing. This shit is really getting to me now, so yeah. Enjoy this chapter and I will see you all 1st July. <3

Addison's POV

After I was done with my now daily shower, I took another glance at the mirror and just stared at it for god knows how long. I don't know why, but I just feel different. Like someone has climbed into my soul and took control of me. I didn't know what the fuck got into me either. I had a second round with the Queen. Her bites were...incredible. The way she inserts the pleasure into my veins...

"Are you okay, my beautiful flower?" she suddenly asked, making me jump slightly with a bit of fright. Why did she have to sneak up on me like that? I thought she had duties to do or whatever...

"Yes, I am okay." I lied to her, raising my hand before placing it against her mark on my neck. I was hers, wasn't I? I actually belonged to the Queen. The one who took lives away for no reason at all. But she saved me from being murdered by the person who should not be named. I watched the Queen move my hand away, replacing it with her lips. I closed my eyes as I began to feel her kiss the mark, causing funny feelings to erupt in my stomach. 

"You are one little liar, aren't you?" she then asked me, continuing to kiss my neck. I opened my eyes again, watching her eyes begin to glow as she was giving me eye contact through the mirror. "I feel weird, your majesty." I told her, using her formal name instead of her real name. 

"In a good way?" she asked as she pulled away from my neck. I decided to not answer, so I walked out of the bathroom. I was wearing very simple clothing. Well, not really clothing but a dress. A black long dress which reached down to my knees. My horrible long hair was still slightly damp. 

"I will bring a good friend of mine to help you with your hair problem." Vanessa said to me, which made me look up at her. "Thank you." I told her. She then smiled softly at me before I watched her leave the bedroom to go and do her normal duties of being the Queen of Blood.

I placed my hand on my beating chest, completely scared about my upcoming future ahead of me...

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