Chapter 2 - Old Friendship Reunited

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I had no idea how long I have been legs were completely almost gone, my eyes couldn't really stay open, my throat never felt so dry before. I was incredibly thirsty and quite hungry, my stomach growling for attention. But I can't give it what it wanted. "Addison?" I heard my name being asked from inside of a restaurant which had been recently raided from you know who. 

"Addison! Are you deaf? Hello?" I heard again, before I suddenly found myself on the cold stone pathway, I was then closed my eyes and almost never saw the wicked world again, until I woke back up in a sleeping bag. Wait a minute, a sleeping bag? 

I quickly sat up, my hand moving to unzip the bag that I was wrapped up in...

"Addison! It's okay! It's me, Jordan!" I heard the same voice that called me. Jordan? Is it really her? "I can't see properly...everything is blurred." I told her. And it was true, I couldn't really see shit clearly. I was far too dehydrated and tired.

"It's fine, Addison. Let me get something real quick, okay?" Jordan asked me, before I heard her boots hit against the hard, uncomfortable floor. Literally a few seconds later, she came back to me. "Drink this for me." Jordan then told me softly as she started to press the rim of a water bottle against my lips. I felt the cold liquid go into my throat as I began immediately drinking every last drop of the delicious water, then my vision started to go back to normal at last. 

Jordan looked pretty much the same, now that I could see her. Her medium length light pink hair hasn't really changed and her famous light brown eyes were the same. She was wearing a long sleeved black t-shirt, along with some matching pair of jeans. My stomach then began to growl again, cutting me off from my deep thoughts that I was having.

"I haven't got much food, I'm afraid." she told me with some sadness in her tone of voice. "What do you have that is not out of date?" I asked her. 

"Whoa there, you have been eating food that has been out of date? For how long?" Jordan then asked me, her tone of voice changed from sad to serious. "A couple of days." I replied. This made her widen her eyes in shock at me. 

"I got a whole pack of biscuits in the storage area. Wait here." she then instructed me before I nodded and watched her quickly walk away. 

Skipping ahead to a few hours later, my strength has been regained and the dizziness has officially gone from my head. "How long have you been hiding from those bastards?" Jordan asked me while sipping some tea. "Me and Natasha have been hiding ever since they won the battle. That was until they somehow found us and chased us through the woods and they..." I stopped myself from continuing. I didn't want to cry again, especially in front of my old friend. 

Jordan then placed her hand on my knee, her thumb stroking it as she let out a small deep sigh. "Damn...I am so sorry that happened to you." she said to me. "I have to carry on surviving for her. I have to live through this shit." I told her before she wrapped her arms around me, giving me a hug. I hugged her back, of course. I would be a terrible friend if I didn't return it. 

We then pulled away from each other and just stared into each other's eyes. 

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