Chapter 8 - No Privacy Allowed

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// Italic is Addison's thoughts. 

Addison's POV

I was in Natasha's arms, completely in love with her all over again. She was my sister and I wouldn't change her for the world. I let out a small deep sigh, before we pulled away from the hug to give some space. "Thank you for that amazing hug." she told me, making me smile gently at her. "So, does this mean you like vampires?" she then asked me that question...

I chose to not answer that one, as it hit a uncomfortable spot in my heart. Did she forget that our parents lost their lives to those monsters that were created a extremely long time ago? I let out a small sad sigh, before I began to walk away from Nat so that I could have some time to myself for a little bit. But, as I was about to leave the room, I noticed that the Queen was watching us from quite a distance. Don't tell me that she watched us all this time. 

"Why can't I have any fucking privacy in this fucked up world?!" I then yelled at her, my heart skipping a couple of beats as I watched her eyes widen in what appears to be shock. "Whoa, sis! What did I do wrong?" I heard my sister ask me, grabbing my arm gently. I let out a small growl at the Queen before I watched her eyes turn dark purple in front of me. "Calm the hell down, Addison. Trust me, you don't want to make her angry..." Beth started to talk to me before the horrible, vile Queen raised her hand up to silence her. 

"Beth, I appreciate you trying to calm her down for me, but I can deal with her myself. Understood?" she asked Beth. "Yes, your majesty." 

I then turned around to stare at Beth for a few seconds, before I started to feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, picking me up. "I hate you with a passion, you vile bitch!!" I started to shout at the Queen some more as she took me from the dining room to the room where she kept her royal throne at. "Move out of the room. Now." the Queen ordered the guards as she was carrying me towards her throne. What the fuck was she doing!

The guards of course obeyed their Queen as they left us alone. Together...

The Queen then placed me down directly onto her throne, making me sit on it. I could easily get away from this awful woman, so I moved my hands up to the arms of the throne, pushing myself up but suddenly, she stopped me by sitting on top of me, her legs hanging just off the throne. 

"I hope you realise how much I hate you. You are a creature born from heaven and hell." I told her, before her thin fingers started to touch my hair. I felt a small shiver down my spine before her fingers landed onto my exposed neck, sparks came flying into my stomach...

"What are you actually planning to do with me? Tell me what you said after you took away my necklace." I asked her, my eyes looking up at hers. 

"I said to you that I would claim you right here and now. But that is for another day." she replied, her eyes locking onto mine. I tried to move my head to the side, so that I could break the contact between us but I for some reason couldn't. My eyes were stuck onto hers like invisible glue. 

"I never had a mate before, until you came along into my lonely life. I want us to be fully connected with each other through a bond. Do you want that?" she asked me, her hand moved up to my cheek, her thumb pressing lightly against my bottom lip as I started to speak, "I don't know, your majesty. I have to think...-"

"Oh come on, my little scared flower. You don't have to think it out, you have to let your own heart decide on what to do." she cut me off with some...very truthful words. I then closed my eyes softly, my heart beating faster than ever before. 

I have been giving everyone two chances to prove themselves. Apart from my sister as she was my family. But giving the Queen another chance could be...urgh. I didn't know what to do. I honestly didn't want to start any fights with her as she was a very strong vampire and she could kill me instantly if I tried anything dirty on her. I had to follow my heart and it says...

"Yes. My heart says yes." I found myself telling her. 

This made the Queen kiss my cheek unexpectedly, making me widen my eyes. Calm down, Addison. It was only a kiss on the cheek. Nothing more than that...

"Sorry, my little flower.  Now, I must warn you about something quite serious." she then said with a apology.

"The blood moon is coming, isn't it?" I asked her before she slowly began to nod. Why was the Queen being like this towards me and only me? I wasn't her mate! There was no other proof that I was hers. No way in a billion years.


"It might come tomorrow, or it might come after tomorrow. I am not completely sure." 

"How can you not be sure when you lived through the blood moon before?"

"The blood moon will change me into something I have been dreading about for a long time."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that you will get to see my vampire self. And trust me on this, my little flower...she is very seductive. So that is my warning to you. Do not look into her eyes. Okay?" 

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