Chapter 3 - Natasha's Fate

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Vanessa's POV

I was sitting on my expensive red throne, sipping on a glass of delicious blood from my prisoner down in my cellar. He was a unfortunate human, a sad lonely idiot who decided to disobey my orders. I let out a deep, relaxed sigh as I was happy with what I have done quite recently with winning the war. Those hunters had no chance...and now they were my loyal servants.

Suddenly, I began to smell something incredible. My guards could smell it too as their eyes immediately turned a dark red and their fangs were slightly bared. "Let GO of me!" I heard a poor young woman shout. I then stood up from my beautiful throne, feeling my fangs elongate at the amazing smell as it grew nearer and nearer...

Then, the large black doors were opened by a clever hand sensor system. "Wonderful..." I heard Alexandra say. The young woman or should I say hunter, looked like she has been through the war as she was covered in dirt from the earthy surface. She had lovely blonde hair, but I couldn't quite see her eyes as her hair was a bit too long. 

My loyal new servants started to bring the woman in, the poor weak thing was struggling to escape from Zoe's grip as she held her extremely close to her body to prevent her. "Zoe, what do we have here?" I asked her. She then stopped just a few inches away from me and my precious throne, dropping the woman onto the floor, onto her knees. 

"I was on my hunt with Alice, until we discovered that there was a couple of humans nearby together. Well, I say couple, I mean two. I think this woman has a sibling since they looked very related..."

As Zoe was explaining about what happened with her first hunt since she was new, I slowly knelt down to gave a closer look at this guilty woman. Why was she still alive when I thought the humans were no longer around? The woman then growled at me before I growled back at her. 

...and here we are now, your majesty." Zoe had finally finished explaining which made me smile at myself. I got the perfect treatment for this woman...

"Well done, Zoe. You are dismissed, please leave me and this woman alone." I told her, before I watched the woman's eyes widen with pure fright once she knew what she was in for. Oh was time to do my favourite part...

"No! NO!" the poor woman started to cry and have a bit of a panic attack. I inhaled her lovely scent, before I started to chuckle. "What's your name and your sister's name? It would help me out a lot since you will be joining my growing family." I asked her, my hand coming up to stroke her hair out of the way of her face. 

"F...Fuck off!" 

"Let's try again. What is your name and your sister's name?" I asked her once again, my hand grabbing the hold of her chin roughly, forcing her to look at me. A bit of compelling will work on her...

The woman's crying face then immediately relaxed and her weak tears stopped flowing. "My name is Natasha and my sister's name is Addison." she answered my question which made me lick my lips at the sound of the name, 'Addison'. I then realised that I was just a tiny bit hungry...

"Don't worry, I will find your sister so she can see how much of a beauty you are..." I told her before Natasha's eyes widened once more as I sank my fangs deep into her neck, feeling her blood enter my throat. Her blood didn't really taste as good I was hoping for, but it was still very worth it as I began to give her the venom that would turn her and make her better. 

Since she had a sister, I won't wipe her memories or change it. I did have a sister before, but she died because of the transition. I have turned probably about fifty people so far, so that chance of Natasha dying isn't going to happen. 

I then pulled away, licking the extra blood from my lips as I stared at her neck, my bite mark fading into her skin which meant it worked. But, she needed blood to be fully awakened. "Why do I feel thirsty?" she asked me, her eyes turning into a dark shade of red as Alexandra then passed me the half glass full of my prisoner's blood. 

I then brought the rim of the glass up to her lips, before she quickly snatched it and began gulping it down. Shit...

After she was done with the glass, she was about to throw it until I quickly stopped her by wrapping my hand around her wrist. "I want more!" she then told me with her feeding fangs bared. 

"Do you need me to...-"

"Bring him up. Now." 

// This chapter is dedicated to my very good friend, @Snowee28
She has really good stories of her own and she really boosts your confidence too.

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