The Ultimate Sacrifice Part 47

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The time had come to wake up, to make our move. Nagato had decided that Konan and the six paths would invade the village while I had cast them under a long ranged Jutsu. But for our plan to work then Nagato would need to implant Chakra signallers into my skin.

I winced slightly as he pierced my collar bones and thighs with his long thin black rods although I soon found out that it didn't hurt as much as I'd anticipated. When Nagato had finished piercing me with the last rod Konan and the six paths set out to the outskirts of the village where they would wait for our signal.

"Are you ready?" Nagato asked from beside me. I slowly nodded at him and then closed my eyes.

"I'm ready."

All went silent and dark- images flicker through my mind. Memories that made me mad. Made me hurt. That unnerving dark Chakra ripples within me. It starts to expand, now taking over my body as though at my very own will. The darkened scenery of my mind starts to change - I see glimpses of a happy village, people laughing and talking as they walk down the bright streets. Eating barbecue on a nice day and Ninja playing Shogi.

Seeing everyone in this village, so happy, carefree.

For some reason it made me angry.

Was I jealous?

Jealous that they were so ignorant to what lays outside of their delusion of peace? The anger I felt started to show when the sunny village I imagined started to turn dark. The skies above become shrouded in ominous cracking thunderclouds.

I imagined streaks of lightning hitting innocent civilians as they went by their daily business but as the thunder rolled in and people started to be struck by the darkly looming lightning above, the mood within the village began to change rapidly.

People started to scream and run down the streets in a panic. Shinobi started to gather on the rooftops and attempt to deflect my lightning but it was no use, I continued to strike them down at random. I felt a deep pulse in my head as I continued to attack the village within my Genjutsu.

"Now." I whisper to Nagato, who, was still waiting patiently beside me for the signal. I could feel myself physically standing next to him while in my mind I violently attacked the village that was only kilometres away.

"I'm searching for the Jinchuriki now Tila, but no one seems to be talking" he informs me.

"Well then, we may have to be a little more forceful in out methods" I suggested, continuing to knock down buildings and destroy their beloved village within my mind.

Hours must have passed by before we had made any progress.

"Mount Myuboku," Nagato finally said.

"How should we approach this now then?" I asked, eyes still closed, deep in concentration.

"Well, well.. I don think we will have to look far, Tila. He just appeared."

"Should I retract my Genjutsu then?" I asked.

"Yes, I wouldn't want you to wear yourself out" Nagato replied.

I opened my eyes and snapped out of my imagination, a wave of light headedness hit. So, I took in a few deep breaths to try and relax.

"Are you alright?" Nagato asked me.

"I'm fine, what's happening out there?" I asked curiously. If the Jinchuriki had finally showed up then the real battle had only begun, and, I was already weakened from having to cast such a draining Jutsu.

I sat down on the floor and continued to regulate my breathing as Nagato explained the details of his encounter with the nine-tails too me. I felt worry as he went on, describing how the nine-tails was using sage mode and that a few paths had already been taken down but, he reassured me that everything would be alright so, I stayed seated for a little while longer and listened carefully to his conversation with the boy.

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