Tila's answer part 5

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I shot up from my sleep still feeling a little hazy, I had a weird dream about being kidnapped last night and I woke up drenched in sweat the morning after this disturbingly vivid dream.

I felt myself drenched in icky sweat 'ew' I thought. I carefully got out of bed and collected my things for a shower. I locked my door behind me and made my way down the hallway, the hideout was as empty as always. There wasn't anyone else around, it really was quite depressing living here now.

I came to the bathroom door, went in making sure to lock it behind me. I had a thorough shower making sure to scrub myself completely after last nights night sweats. I got dressed quickly, I just put on a plain tank and some navy blue shorts.

As I made my way back to my room my mind trailed back to the thought of what my answer was going to be.. I'd already sworn my allegiance to him, what else could be worse? I still thought about him and I couldn't stop myself, my mind didn't obey my will.

I got back to my room, quickly picking up a few weapons and attaching the shin weights readying myself for training with the man I couldn't stop thinking about.

Maybe my body is just craving some sort of affection? Wanting to be acknowledged.. I made my way down the long gloomy hallways still not completely sure what my answer would be.

The figure of lord Orochimaru began to come into vision as I walked closer to the room we were to train in.

"Tila, today's training I want you to come at me with the intent to kill" he hissed. "You are too soft hearted child" he finished. I glared at him determinedly.

We trained long into the afternoon. I could feel myself getting stronger, Lord Orochimaru had offered to teach me new Jutsu. I had already been practising the Jutsu upon the scrolls I read, they included a water clone Jutsu and a substitution Jutsu. He wanted me to focus on mastering the water prison Jutsu as well so I said I would begin training for it next.

His look towards me suddenly stiffened "Well my dear, on another note.. have you come to a decision?" His gaze followed me closely. I could tell he was quite the analytical type. "My answer.. Is yes Lord Orochimaru" My eyes met his, the lust within them obviously evident to him.

"I see.." He said holding the intense eye contact. "Very well then, prepare yourself for tomorrow. your training with kabuto will not commence and instead I need to brand you my own".

I was completely confused by what he said "What do you mean? What will you do?" I quickly said, the worry evident on my face "Don't worry Tila I won't hurt you, your body is mine now and I would never do anything to hurt it" His gaze still steady with mine. "Okay" I said, not really knowing what to expect.

I guess I would just have to find out for myself. "Good, you've made the right choice" He said as he stepped closer so he was directly in front of me, it was intimidating.

I studied his face seeing as it was so close from mine, he tilted his head and a smirk broke over his lips. I took a step back and his smirk faltered. "Dismissed" He hissed and walk away into the darkness.

He really liked making an eerie exit didn't he? I sort of chuckled to myself, either way.. My fate was set in stone wasn't it? There was nothing I could do to change it, even if I wanted too.

I focused my vision on the dark hallway that Lord Orochimaru had just come from, it was pitch black.. I started to walk towards the hallways and as I came closer I began to see a long hall with many doors stemming from the corridor. Maybe I should go and explore? I thought to myself, it wouldn't hurt..

I slowly and carefully began to walk down the hall, I always wondered what was behind all these damn doors! There are so many of them down the hallways, a tall doorway on the left as I walked caught my eye. I tried to turn the knob but it was locked, I tried my keys hoping it would work and surprisingly the door slowly swung open with ease.

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