Why are you like this? -Requested-

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A/N: request for @lstoriesxx

As soon as I step foot into Fangtasia, I hear multiple wolf whistles. "Okay, Rose. No more putting people in headlocks." I repeat to myself under my breath. I walk into the back room and set my stuff down before changing into my slutty uniform once again.

The things I have to do to make money. I sigh before putting on my fishnet tights and shorts. I slide on my crop top and my heels before walking out the door. I nearly run into Eric's chest and he says, "What are you blind?" "No, I'm sorry, Eric."

"Did you just tell me no?" He steps forward and I walk backwards until my back hit one of the lockers. "Who do you think you are?" "I'm no one. I'm just trying to—" "I don't care. But tell me no one more time, and I will suck every drop of blood from your body."

My heart races against my ribcage and he could hear it. "Please let me start my shift now." He lets up and when I try to walk away, he pulls my hair tie out of my hair. "Why did you do that?" He didn't respond, instead, he put my hair tie on his wrist and walks out.

"Let's just get this day over with,"


I finished my dreadful shift at Fangtasia, I decide to have a late night snack at Merlotte's. The waiter, Sookie, I've seen her at Fangtasia a couple times. She seems nice. I don't know why she would associate herself with an asshole like Eric.

I pray to God that vampires don't have the power to read minds. If they did, I would be so dead. "Rough shift?" Sookie asks. "Men can never seem to keep their hands to themselves." I say with a sigh. "Well, I could you a job here. Its not much but it beats dealing with 'an asshole like Eric'."

My eyes widen and before I could say anything, she says, "Don't worry. I won't tell him." "Oh thank you." "But, I'll talk to Sam and let you know." "I appreciate you, Sookie." She nods before leaving and I take a sip of my lemonade. I was in the middle of devouring my po boy when she comes back and says, "He said yes! When can you start?"

I jump out of my seat and hug Sookie tightly. "Next Monday would be great." I finally say.


"You what?" Eric grumbles, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter. "I have another job. A better one. So I'm putting in my two weeks notice."  I'm surprised I got the whole sentence out with stumbling over my words.

"Where?" When I don't respond, he speeds over to me. He picks me up and forcefully pushes me on his desk with his hand wrapped around my throat. "Answer the question." "Merlotte's," I say out of fear. "So Sam hired you?" I nod my head, unable to speak.

"What? Does he want to fuck you or something?" I shake my head no and he says, "Liar." "Eric, please. Let me go. You can hire someone else. Someone prettier." "I don't want someone else. I want you." "You can't have me." "Bullshit, I can't." I bring up my knee and knee him in his balls.

He dropped to the ground and I hit him over the head with a heavy book. "Leave me alone, you asshole." I run towards the door and he pushes me into the wall. He pinned me down as he sunk his fangs into my neck. The pain became unbearable and eventually, I blacked out.

Third Person POV
Eric swung Rose's body over his shoulder like she was a rag doll and threw her in the trunk of his car. He drove to the nearest field and buried himself in the ground with her. That way, he was the first thing she sees in her new life.

When she finally wakes up and sees him, she screams at the top of her lungs. "Nooo! Now I have to spend the rest of my immortal life, doing as you say!? This is a load of bullshit!"

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